
Explorer integration displays full pathname of selected file

Explorer integration displays full pathname of selected file


    Mar 31, 2006#1

    The explorer integration is a great feature. However, displaying the full pathname to selected files/folders makes the context menu a huge dialog. If only the file/folder name would be displayed instead (without the path), the context menu would be much more compact.

    Is there any way to achieve this?

    Basic UserBasic User

      Apr 01, 2006#2

      Totally agree.

      Sometimes the context menu takes more than half of the screen. And that's on 1600x1200 resolution, on lower it may even not fit into the whole screen :)
      Paths definitely should be intelligently shortened if exceeding certain length, like
      C:\Doc....\Desktop\test.txt instead of
      C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\test.txt
      (me thinks drive and last folder should remain visible)

      I think also the preceding text "Load in first frame: You have selected" should be shortened to a few characters, for example [1*] - now it is nearly 40 characters.

      Now the shell integration is practically unusable.

      Power UserPower User

        Re: Explorer integration displays full pathname of selected

        Apr 03, 2006#3

        This isn't a solution, but if you disable autoselect (Options->Configuration->General->Enable AutoSelect) the context menu won't become obscenely large until you deliberately select a file.