
expression to find a string in the middle of a word

expression to find a string in the middle of a word


    Aug 11, 2015#1

    I can locate a string in Initial and Final position by using Ultraedit regex and by appending

    Code: Select all


    Code: Select all

    How do I write a regex using Ultraedit syntax to identify a string in the middle of the word which is neither initial or medial

    Code: Select all


    Code: Select all

    The regex should find only the second and not the first.
    I have a rather old version of Ultraedit 15.0
    Doing it Perl seems possible but the syntax is convoluted and my Ultraedit does not locate accurately the string
    Many thanks


      Aug 11, 2015#2


      Code: Select all

      It's impossible to lead us astray for we don't care even to choose the way.


        Aug 11, 2015#3

        Thanks for the suggestion. It does locate the string but does not highlight/block them. I tried modifying the regex as under, but it still did not work

        Code: Select all

        Whereas if you type a regex like

        Code: Select all

        only ue will be highlighted and blocked. I need the block function to identify vowel strings in a database of Arabic. Hence the particular request.

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Aug 11, 2015#4

          Use the Perl regular expression search string: (?<=\w)ue(?=\w)

          (?<=\w) ... is a positive look-behind expression for a word character according to definition of word characters in Unicode table (A-Za-z, digits, underscore and all language dependent word characters). A look-behind expression must be of fixed length like here for a single character. A look-behind expression never matches (selects) a string. It is just for verification if found string is in right context.

          (?=\w) ... is a positive look-ahead expression working exactly as look-behind, but in the other direction.

          So the entire expression means: find ue where character left of ue is a word character without selecting this character and character right of ue is also a word character without selecting this character.

          Note: The case-sensitivity of ue is controlled by Match case option in Find/Replace dialog/view.

          By the way: (?<!\w) is a negative look-behind for verification if character left to found string is NOT a word character and (?!\w) is a negative look-ahead for next character being NOT a word character. And take also a look at Readme for the Find/Replace/Regular Expressions forum with links to pages where more can be read about Perl regular expressions.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


            Aug 11, 2015#5

            Many thanks, not only for the regex but also for the clear explanation. You made my day!

              Aug 11, 2015#6

              Out of sheer curiosity, is there a way in which only the string to be searched is highlighted/blocked in UE. The solution provided by Mofi is great and identifies the string within the word but does not highlight/block the string which I am searching.
              Many thanks for providing a solution. From what I read, this does not seem possible. But there is nothing impossible is a regex and I am sure someone has answer.

              Grand MasterGrand Master

                Aug 11, 2015#7

                I don't understand your new question. In the example ue is the string to find in specific context (within a word). UltraEdit selects/highlights just ue and nothing else.

                So what do you mean with "does not highlight/block the string which I am searching"?
                Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria