
Find and delete lines NOT from a range of ASCII values

Find and delete lines NOT from a range of ASCII values


    May 21, 2008#1

    Hi, I have a text file with many lines of text. I would like to find and delete lines that contains ascii other than those from Hex 20 to Hex 7A.

    ׳”׳•׳¨׳“׳” dragonbol
    zx naissan 300 turbo

    Line 1 is to be deleted but not line 2.

    Please help. Thank you.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      May 21, 2008#2

      Following Perl regular expression worked with UE v14.00b.

      Find What: ^.*[^\x20-\x7a\r\n\t].*\r*\n
      Replace With: nothing

      ^ ... start of line
      .* ... any character 0 or more times except new line chars
      [^\x20-\x7a\r\n\t] ... a single character not hex 20 to 7A and not a CR, LF or tab
      .* ... any character 0 or more times except new line chars
      \r* ... carriage return (CR) 0 or more times
      \n ... line feed (LF)
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria