
Find executed with Next for filtering lines from end of file does nothing (fixed)

Find executed with Next for filtering lines from end of file does nothing (fixed)

Power UserPower User

    Mar 06, 2019#1

    What I noted with this topic is described below:

    If I check "Filter lines"
    if cursor is at the end of document, Find operation does nothing, i.e. won't find the searched string (when I hit ENTER --> Next button).
    If I click on Previous button, then it works as expected.
    And Find operation works as well if caret is not at the end.
    find_options_for_filtering_lines.png (6.18KiB)

    What I described above only happens if "Filter lines" is checked and cursor is at the end. Otherwise all works fine.

    Is it a bug? Or am I missing something?

    I'm using UltraEdit and Windows 7.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Mar 08, 2019#2

      It is a bug because of filtering lines at end of file worked in former versions as expected. I reported this issue by email to IDM support yesterday and it is already confirmed as an issue to investigate and correct by a developer of UltraEdit. Here is the sent bug report.
      Mofi wrote:This issue can be reproduced by me with 32-bit UltraEdit v25.00.0.68 and all later versions. UltraEdit, and all former versions tested by me down to v22.20.0.49 don't have this issue which I rate as bug.

      Running a Find with a click on button Next with Filter lines checked and Show selected with default configuration of UltraEdit results in not hiding anything on caret being currently positioned in file beyond last occurrence of searched string even with search configuration setting Continue find at end of file checked as by default.

      Do following to reproduce this issue:
      1. Start UltraEdit with default settings.
      2. Open file changes.txt in program files folder of UltraEdit.
      3. Press Ctrl+End and eight times Up Arrow to set caret somewhere in line Number of templates increased to 50.
      4. Press Alt+F3, enter as string to find the word other, make sure Current file is selected and none of the options in floating Find window on left side is checked, check the option Filter lines and select Show.
      5. Click on button Next.
        Nothing happens although all lines not containing other should be hidden now. This is the bug.
      6. Set input focus to window of file, press once more key Up Arrow and key Home and click once again in Find and Replace window on button Next.
        Now UltraEdit finds other in current line, searches in entire file for other and hides all lines not containing this string.
      With search configuration setting Continue find at end of file not checked older versions of UltraEdit prompted the user to continue find at other end of file and if the user clicked on button Yes, UltraEdit hid all lines not containing the searched word other. Current version of UltraEdit does nothing in this case.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Power UserPower User

        Mar 08, 2019#3

        Thank you, Mofi.

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Jul 20, 2019#4

          This issue was fixed with UltraEdit for Windows v26.00.0.62 and UEStudio v19.00.0.24 according to my tests.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria