
Find in Files for *current* file only

Find in Files for *current* file only

Basic UserBasic User

    Sep 20, 2004#1

    Hey All,

    I've got to troll through some very long log files for errors & warnings & would like to have a macro that will do a Find In Files search of *the currently showing file only* for a given regexp. I can do this w/a regular find no problem, but I like the display I get w/find in files--specifically, that it shows each matching line & lets me zoom to the proper line when I double-click.

    I tried putting "%F" in the "In Files/Types" portion of the FIF dialog, but no dice. It does work if I hand-write the current filename into that part of the dialog, but I'm looking for an automated solution.

    Also--the file in question is frequently opened via FTP, so I need something that will work w/that.

    Is this possible?



    Advanced UserAdvanced User

      Sep 21, 2004#2

      Have you tried the "List Lines Containing String" Option in the Find dialog?


      Advanced UserAdvanced User

        Sep 21, 2004#3

        I've previously asked IDM to add a radio button option for the current file, but as you've noticed there currently is no such option. I don't know if they plan to implement this, but if others send in the suggestion it is more likely to happen.

        Basic UserBasic User

          Sep 21, 2004#4

          Thanks guys--especially Manni. I'm amazed that I just never noticed that "list lines" check box in the regular Find dialog. I think that will serve me.

