
Find in Files: output to same or new FindResults window

Find in Files: output to same or new FindResults window


    Apr 27, 2007#1

    I'm using Find in Files with "Results to Edit Window" checked. Often I'm doing multiple searches. Sometimes UE appends output from the next search to the same FindResults window, sometimes it creates a new FindResults window and directs output there instead. I would like to understand and preferably choose UE's behavior. The "Help" file doesn't cover this. Can anyone shed some light, please? I'm using UE 13.00a.

    One way to force the use of a new FindResults window, is to save the existing FindResults window contents using "Save as...".


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Apr 27, 2007#2

      You already answered your own question. Results of a Find In Files search to an edit window are always appended to the tab with name ** Find Results **. If this tab does not exist, it will be created new.

      So when you save the content of the find results window to a file, there is no tab with this title anymore and next Find In Files to an edit window will create a new one. It is not possible to have a real file open with that name because * is not allowed and possible in the name of a file or directory.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Re: Find in Files: output to same or new FindResults window

        Apr 27, 2007#3

        I've seen UE have multiple "** Find Results **" windows open simultaneously.

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Apr 29, 2007#4

          I played a few minutes with Find In Files with Results to Edit Window, but it always used the existing tab with name ** Find Results **. Even why I edited the content of the results window, deleted the content, moved the tab to a new position in the open file tabs or opened other files, UE used always the same window.

          Maybe there is a special situation where the detection of the existing results window fails. If you can find it out, please report it to IDM support.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


            May 01, 2007#5

            I'm seeing multiple "** Find Results ** windows again. I think this happens when "AutoSave" is turned on and an auto-save has occurred; it tries to save the FindResults window. I've now turned auto-save off.

            Perhaps auto-save could be turned off just for the Find Results window?

            Grand MasterGrand Master

              May 01, 2007#6

              I have normally not enable the auto-save feature. But just for testing I have enabled it now in UE v13.00a+2. But it ignores the Find Results tab even when Do not auto-save unnamed (new) files is also checked as long as I do not make any manual modification in the find results window which is indicated by an additional * on right side in the file tab.

              When I make a manual modification in the find results window and I have checked Do not auto-save unnamed (new) files then the "Save As" dialog opens on next auto-save and I have to enter now a valid name or cancel saving the file. If I press Cancel the Find In Files continues to use the existing tab, although modified by me. If I save it with a valid name, it is normal that the file tab changes to the new name and next time Find In Files creates a new find results tab. So I still can't have multiple tabs with name ** Find Results **.
              Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria