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    Kudos for Fixing F3!

    Apr 23, 2014#16

    Hear ye, hear ye!

    IDM actually listens to its customers!

    As I was working a couple of nights ago, I received an upgrade notice about Version of UltraEdit, which followed Version by only a few days (one day last week, I think). The change log contains just two entries, the first of which is "Make F3 work with Quick Find."

    I wasted no time installing and testing the update, and it's a huge improvement. After I installed Version, I quickly decided that Quick Find was more annoyance than useful feature. For a power user's editor, it felt like UltraEdit had taken a fairly large step backwards.

    This single change made Quick Find usable, and occasionally even useful. Nevertheless, l use the full featured Find dialog box most of the time, because I need the advanced features more often than not. In particular, I use regular expressions often, and I have a growing list of favorite find and replace expressions, most of which involve regular expressions, with backreferences in many of the associated favorite replacements.

    Maybe I should write a tutorial on that subject, if there is any serious interest.

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