says, i have those line below and i want to keep the first line only, but want to delete those 0504 in the rest of file
8759 6981 0504 <- always at first line for searching and wanted.
8112 6981 0504 <- 0504 to be deleted
7771 6451 0504 <- 0504 to be deleted
6661 6166 0504 <- 0504 to be deleted
i want the result as below:
8112 6981
7771 6451
6661 6166
here my macro that failed, it doesnt keep the line 8759 6981 0504 , instead it delete whole 0504 in the file.
copy // 0504
Find RegExp "^c"
Replace All ""
is it possible to use selected line and then replace it?
8759 6981 0504 <- always at first line for searching and wanted.
8112 6981 0504 <- 0504 to be deleted
7771 6451 0504 <- 0504 to be deleted
6661 6166 0504 <- 0504 to be deleted
i want the result as below:
8112 6981
7771 6451
6661 6166
here my macro that failed, it doesnt keep the line 8759 6981 0504 , instead it delete whole 0504 in the file.
copy // 0504
Find RegExp "^c"
Replace All ""
is it possible to use selected line and then replace it?