
Find text depending on an entered word and a number

Find text depending on an entered word and a number

Basic UserBasic User

    Apr 14, 2012#1

    Hi all, sorry about my English. I need a script do this work: I have a text file and if we enter a word and a number we'll get a new file including the word and following words. The number of words should depend on the number entered during script execution. Thanks so much.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Apr 14, 2012#2

      Here is the script which uses a Perl regular expression search in a loop to find all occurrences of the word and the additional words according to the entered number and output them in a new file.

      Code: Select all

      if (UltraEdit.document.length > 0) {
         var sFound = "";  // Initialize the variable for found strings.
         // Define working environment. Insert/overwrite mode is not changed.
         // Ask user of script for word to find. Do not allow an empty string.
         do {
            var sWord = UltraEdit.getString("Word to find:",1);
         while (!sWord.length);
         // Ask user of script for number of additional words to find. Do not
         // allow a negative number although in UE v18.00.0.1034 a negative
         // number can't be entered by the user.
         do {
            var nNumber = UltraEdit.getValue("Number of additional words:",1);
         } while (nNumber < 0);
         // Define most of the find parameters. The search is executed from top
         // of active file to end of file in a loop to find all occurrences.
         if (typeof(UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.searchInColumn) == "boolean") {
         UltraEdit.activeDocument.top();  // Move caret to top of active file.
         if (!nNumber) {
            // If the number of additional words is 0, run a simple not
            // case-sensitive search for just the entered word in a loop.
            // If the word is found, copy it to string variable.
            while (UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.find(sWord)) {
               sFound += UltraEdit.activeDocument.selection + "\r\n";
               // It depends on your version of UltraEdit if the following lines
               // are necessary or not. They are not needed in UE v18.00.0.1034.
               // UltraEdit.activeDocument.endSelect();
               // UltraEdit.activeDocument.key("LEFT ARROW");
               // UltraEdit.activeDocument.key("RIGHT ARROW");
         } else {
            // If additional words should be also found, run a Perl regular
            // expression find searching for the entered word and the additional
            // words according to entered number. The regular expression to use
            // is "\<WordToFind(?:\W+\w+){X}" with X being the entered number.
            //      \<     means begin search on start of a word.
            // (?: ... )   is a non marking group.
            //      \W+    non word character 1 or more times.
            //      \w+    word character (including underscore) 1 or more times.
            //      {X}    the expression in the preceding non marking group
            //             matching a sequence of non word and a sequence of
            //             word characters exactly X times.
            var sSearch = "\\<" + sWord + "(?:\\W+\\w+){" + nNumber.toString() + "}";
            while (UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.find(sSearch)) {
               sFound += UltraEdit.activeDocument.selection + "\r\n";
               // It depends on your version of UltraEdit if the following lines
               // are necessary or not. They are not needed in UE v18.00.0.1034.
               // UltraEdit.activeDocument.endSelect();
               // UltraEdit.activeDocument.key("LEFT ARROW");
               // UltraEdit.activeDocument.key("RIGHT ARROW");
         // Open a new file and write to it the found string or the error
         // message. Finally move the caret in new file to top of the file.
         if (!sFound.length) sFound = "Nothing found."

      Basic UserBasic User

        Apr 15, 2012#3

        Hi mofi, thank for your help.