Font size for the File Tabs and the List Views

Font size for the File Tabs and the List Views


    Feb 10, 2005#1

    It appears that the upgrade to V11 has changed the font size on the "Open File Tabs" and made it smaller.

    It's a bit hard on the eyes on my screen - is this configurable?


      Feb 16, 2005#2

      I would like to hear if there are any solutions to this, I too find the new file tab font to be very tiny.

      One thing that may be related is that in my display settings, my screen res is 1280x1024 and my DPI setting is for Large Fonts (120 dpi). I wonder if this is related. It wasn't a problem though with version 10.2x.

      Basic UserBasic User

        Feb 16, 2005#3

        I find the font size to be just right... on my installation the file tab font size is 8 pt Tahoma - the same as almost every other font found in my Windows GUI.

        And IIRC, the default font for Windows' menus etc.

        Advanced UserAdvanced User

          Feb 17, 2005#4

          Chris wrote:And IIRC, the default font for Windows' menus etc.
          Of course, the difference is that you can adjust the Windows default. But it doesn't seem to be possible to adjust UEdit's defaults. If some people cannot or find it hard to read that, then it needs to be changed somehow.


          Basic UserBasic User

            Feb 17, 2005#5

            I don't disagree that it should be changeable ... I just think the default size should follow the windows UI font size.

            Advanced UserAdvanced User

              Feb 17, 2005#6

              Right. But it shouldn't be hardcoded. It should be quite easy to look up the *current* Windows default in the registry.


              Basic UserBasic User

                Feb 17, 2005#7

                Exactly the sort of thing I was thinking of.

                Great minds etc. ;)


                  Feb 21, 2005#8

                  I have the same problem in the Function List and look forward to a solution from IDM.....  :wink:  I can't update to the new version on our other systems until this problem is solved.

                  Can someone help us?


                    Mar 22, 2005#9

                    I asked the support folks and the reply I got stated to do this:

                    For lists (views), add the following:

                    Extra Windows Font=Tahoma
                    Extra Windows Font Height=-13

                    For Open File Tabs, add the following:

                    TAB Windows Font=Tahoma
                    TAB Windows Font Height=-13

                    These worked for me in UE32 v11.x.

                    Thanks Andy!

                    These entries must be added to the [Settings] section in uedit32.ini.
                    The font size must be specified as a negative value.
                    You have to restart UE to see the change.


                    PS: The settings for the open file tabs are of no use for UE v15.00 to UE v16.20. The user interface using GDI+ was introduced with UE v15.00. For these versions of UltraEdit the font and font size settings defined for the menus in the Windows display settings are used for the Open File Tabs.


                      Sep 16, 2005#10

                      Thank you sstrubli I now added:

                      Extra Windows Font=Tahoma
                      Extra Windows Font Height=-13

                      This solves my problem with the function list.

                      By the way, support answered me they had no solution when I asked a while back.

                      Grand MasterGrand Master

                        Dec 03, 2010#11

                        With UltraEdit v16.30.0.1000 it is again possible to set the font and the font size for the file names in the Open File Tabs. By default the font and font size settings defined for the menus in the Windows display settings are used for the Open File Tabs. But with manually adding the following lines to uedit32.ini usually stored in directory %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit in section [Settings], the default settings can be overwritten.

                        TAB Windows Font=name of font
                        TAB Windows Font Height=font size value

                        name of font is for example Tahoma or Courier New (always without double quotes even with space in font name).

                        font size value is a positive value like 12 or 18 defining the font size in points. In UltraEdit versions prior v15.00 the font size must have been specified with a negative value like -12 or -18. Using a negative point size value for this setting results in ignoring the font height setting. So users updating from a version of UltraEdit prior 15.00 and having already used that setting must open uedit32.ini after the update and remove - from the value.

                        For all other views like File Tree View, Function List, Template List, Macro List, etc. with the exception of the Output Window and the Find String List the settings

                        Extra Windows Font=name of font
                        Extra Windows Font Height=font size value

                        are still available in UE v16.30.0.1000 as explained above up to UE for Windows v19.10.0.1012. The font size value for Extra Windows Font Height can be still a negative value, but now it is also possible to specify for this setting a positive value. For UltraEdit for Windows v20.00 or later open View or Layout - Themes - Manage themes and customize on tab Application the Dockable window font.

                        Note: I recommend to make the modification in uedit32.ini (32-bit UE up to v23.20) or uedit64.ini (64-bit UE up to v23.20) or uedit32u.ini (32-bit UE v24.00 to v26.20) or uedit64u.ini (64-bit UE v24.00 to v26.20) with Notepad and not with UltraEdit while no instance of UltraEdit is running. In general it is not good to modify the settings in the configuration file of an application while the application is currently running. The INI file used by currently used UltraEdit is displayed with full path at Advanced - Settings or Configuration - Application layout - Advanced.


                          Mar 16, 2011#12

                          The tip above works also in UltraEdit v17.00 and up to v19.10.


                          Power UserPower User

                            Aug 12, 2013#13

                            UltraEdit v20.00 has the new Editor Themes and Layouts features. From the new Manage Themes dialog opened with View - Themes - Manage Themes you can select the font, size and color for most parts of the UE display. The font and font size for the dockable windows can be configured on the Application tab.

                            dockable_window_font.png (5.18KiB)
                            UE 20.00 Manage Themes dialog

                            Just the font for the Output Window is still configured separately via context menu of the output window. And the font used in the Find String List view is still the same as for the document windows.

                            The font and font size for the file tabs must be still configured directly in uedit32.ini respectively uedit64.ini as described above by Mofi.

                            The two Extra Windows Font ... settings are not further evaluated by UltraEdit v20.00 and should be therefore removed from uedit32.ini respectively uedit64.ini after upgrade to v20.00 or any later version with Notepad while UltraEdit is not running.



                            Basic UserBasic User

                              Aug 29, 2018#14

                              Does this change need to be placed in uedit64u.ini if running 64-bit? I have made these changes in that file but the font has not changed.


                              The uedit64u.ini file is the correct file. I have just realized that having the Tab | Right-Click | File tabs | Dockable option unchecked will not allow the font change. Checking it will show the font change. 

                              However, this is not how I prefer the tab view as I prefer the cleaner look of the file tabs with this option unchecked. 

                              Grand MasterGrand Master

                                Aug 29, 2018#15

                                I don't see a problem with file tab font and font size on using 32-bit UltraEdit for Windows v25.10.0.62 with UltraEdit theme Slate on Windows 7 SP 1 x64 with Windows Classic desktop theme.

                                I added to section [Settings] in uedit32u.ini (32-bit UltraEdit for Windows with version < 27.00) respectively uedit64u.ini (64-bit UltraEdit for Windows with version < 27.00) the following two lines with UEStudio while UltraEdit was not running:

                                TAB Windows Font=Tahoma
                                TAB Windows Font Height=36

                                The file tab is displayed after start of UltraEdit with these settings in all eight user interface modes which are:
                                1. ribbon mode with dockable document windows
                                2. ribbon mode with not dockable document windows
                                3. toolbar/menu mode with contemporary menus with dockable document windows
                                4. toolbar/menu mode with contemporary menus with not dockable document windows
                                5. toolbar/menu mode with traditional menus with dockable document windows
                                6. toolbar/menu mode with traditional menus with not dockable document windows
                                7. compact ribbon mode with dockable document windows (not on attached image)
                                8. compact ribbon mode with not dockable document windows (not on attached image)
                                The file to edit is ue.ini with 32-bit or 64-bit UltraEdit for Windows ≥ v27.00 released May 2020 which is by default in the directory %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\
                                The file to edit is ues.ini with 32-bit or 64-bit UEStudio ≥ v20.00 released June 2020 which is by default in the directory %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UEStudio\
                                file_tab_font_ue_25_10.png (73.71KiB)
                                File tab with Tahoma 36 pt with UltraEdit for Windows v25.10.
                                Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria