Here's a macro to split file name into parts...

Here's a macro to split file name into parts...

Advanced UserAdvanced User

    Dec 29, 2004#1

    Found a temporary workaround for my problem. It doesn't give me project file paths or names, but at least this will let me more easily pick the parts out of the path I am interested in.

    What it does is copy the full path and name of the file currently open to a new file and split it apart at the backslash. It retains the period before the extension which makes it easier to find -- well, as long as you don't have periods embedded in the file name, that is. But it is a pretty good quick-n-dirty hack:

    Code: Select all

        InsertMode      ; standard macro settings
        ColumnModeOff   ;
        HexOff          ;
        UnixReOff       ; --
        Clipboard 1     ; change to another clipboard
        CopyFilePath    ; copy file path and name
        NewFile         ; open a new file
        Paste           ; insert copied file name
        Top             ; go to beginning of page
        Loop            ; --
        Find "\"        ; split the line at each backslash
        IfFound         ;
        "               ;
        "               ;
        Else            ;
        ExitLoop        ;
        EndIf           ;
        EndLoop         ; --
        StartSelect     ; delete up to the dot
        Find "."        ;
        IfFound         ;
        Key LEFT ARROW  ;
        EndSelect       ;
        Delete          ;
        EndIf           ; --
        ClearClipboard  ; empty user clipboard 1
        Clipboard 0     ; restore previous (Windows) clipboard
    If the project name is also part of the path, you can easily find it by position. Of course, this entails following some kind of convention (as I do) for directory structures in your project.

    The default properties for the macro should be:

    UNCHECKED - Show Cancel Dialog for this macro
    CHECKED - Continue if a Find with Replace not found

    Hope you may find this as useful as I did!