Found a temporary workaround for my problem. It doesn't give me project file paths or names, but at least this will let me more easily pick the parts out of the path I am interested in.
What it does is copy the full path and name of the file currently open to a new file and split it apart at the backslash. It retains the period before the extension which makes it easier to find -- well, as long as you don't have periods embedded in the file name, that is. But it is a pretty good quick-n-dirty hack:
If the project name is also part of the path, you can easily find it by position. Of course, this entails following some kind of convention (as I do) for directory structures in your project.
The default properties for the macro should be:
UNCHECKED - Show Cancel Dialog for this macro
CHECKED - Continue if a Find with Replace not found
Hope you may find this as useful as I did!
What it does is copy the full path and name of the file currently open to a new file and split it apart at the backslash. It retains the period before the extension which makes it easier to find -- well, as long as you don't have periods embedded in the file name, that is. But it is a pretty good quick-n-dirty hack:
Code: Select all
InsertMode ; standard macro settings
ColumnModeOff ;
HexOff ;
UnixReOff ; --
Clipboard 1 ; change to another clipboard
CopyFilePath ; copy file path and name
NewFile ; open a new file
Paste ; insert copied file name
Top ; go to beginning of page
Loop ; --
Find "\" ; split the line at each backslash
IfFound ;
" ;
" ;
Else ;
ExitLoop ;
EndIf ;
EndLoop ; --
StartSelect ; delete up to the dot
Find "." ;
IfFound ;
EndSelect ;
Delete ;
EndIf ; --
ClearClipboard ; empty user clipboard 1
Clipboard 0 ; restore previous (Windows) clipboard
The default properties for the macro should be:
UNCHECKED - Show Cancel Dialog for this macro
CHECKED - Continue if a Find with Replace not found
Hope you may find this as useful as I did!