
Highlight Syntax Errors

Highlight Syntax Errors

Basic UserBasic User

    Jan 28, 2005#1


    I'd like to make UE highlight Syntax errors

    For example two separators:


    or a missing separator:


    instead of the "correct"


    So I'd need highlighting for the following character occurences:


    It tried something like:

    /L10"MYLANGUAGE" Line Comment = // Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ File Extensions = LBT
    /Delimiters = ~!@%^&*()-+=|\/{}[]:;"'<> , .?
    /Indent Strings = "{" "else"
    /Unindent Strings = "}" "else"
    /C3"Methods and Properties"

    But without effect.

    Anybody have a suggestion?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jan 30, 2005#2

      Because of the special meaning of / as first character of a line (/L1, /C1, /Delimiters, ...) words starting with / must be on a line starting with //. For example to highlight a single /, it must be defined at the color section as // /.

      And the reason why non of your error "codes" work is, because they are all no single "words". All characters at your error list are also word delimiters, defined in the delimiters line. So for example /& are interpreted as two "words".

      To get your error codes working, you have to remove % & ( ) / ? | from the delimiters list. But this also means, that you always have to write a space before and after these characters in your source code, so that the space is now the word delimiter. I think, that is not really practicable.

      Last tip: you must alphabetically sort the lines with your words. Example:

      // /& //
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Basic UserBasic User

        Feb 11, 2005#3

        thanks mofi!

        you are great

        greetings from spain