Interesting Idea here, was wondering if say i was to do "/declare VarName1 string outer"
Any way to make say anything After Declare and Before String be it's own color say Purple, Though out the whole code.
My Programming Language use's the following for Declare's
/declare varname|varname[array extents] [type] [local|global|outer] [defaultvalue]
I was looking for more of a way to do like this
/declare hold-msg string outer 5
/if (${hold-msg} == 5) {
/varset hold-msg "Please hold on until I catch up"
/echo ${hold-msg}
So no matter how i use the declared Variable "hold-msg" it will be purple throw out that file.
I'm not even sure if something like this is possible just a cool thought i got in my head thought i would ask.
Any way to make say anything After Declare and Before String be it's own color say Purple, Though out the whole code.
My Programming Language use's the following for Declare's
/declare varname|varname[array extents] [type] [local|global|outer] [defaultvalue]
Code: Select all
* altability
* argb
* array
* body
* bool
* buff
* byte
* character
* class
* corpse
* currentzone
* deity
* dynamiczone
* dzmember
* evolving
* fellowship
* fellowshipmember
* float
* ground
* group
* groupmember
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* int
* invslot
* item
* macro
* macroquest
* math
* merchant
* plugin
* race
* raid
* raidmember
* skill
* spawn
* spell
* string
* switch
* ticks
* time
* timer
* type
* window
* zone
/declare hold-msg string outer 5
/if (${hold-msg} == 5) {
/varset hold-msg "Please hold on until I catch up"
/echo ${hold-msg}
So no matter how i use the declared Variable "hold-msg" it will be purple throw out that file.
I'm not even sure if something like this is possible just a cool thought i got in my head thought i would ask.