
highlighting lines begining with *

highlighting lines begining with *


    Jun 20, 2007#1

    I need to highligh lines begining with * and to have no different highlight for numbers int and double (All numbers must have the same highlighting).

    Thanks again Michele :cry:


      Jun 20, 2007#2

      Hmm, please tell us a little more:

      - What language are you coding ?

      - Is the lines beginning with * considered comment lines or something else ?

      - Version of UltraEdit ?


        Jun 20, 2007#3

        Hmm, please tell us a little more:

        - What language are you coding ?


        - Is the lines beginning with * considered comment lines or something else ?

        These are keywords lines, i'would like to not put all the cards in the file.

        - Version of UltraEdit ?



          Jun 20, 2007#4

          Hey a vintage UltraEdit :-) Ok, I'm using version 13.10, so I'm not sure everything I tell you will work in 9.20+

          In the UE13.10 help file for syntax highlighting it says:
          UE help on Syntax Highlighting wrote:Keywords beginning with a Sub String

          There are instances in some languages where it is desirable to highlight keywords that begin with a particular sub-string, however the complete word is not known. UltraEdit provides the ability to define sub-strings that are used to determine if a word should be highlighted. If such sub-strings are defined for a particular language under a color group UltraEdit will determine if a word begins with one of the sub-strings. If it does, it will be highlighted accordingly.

          The sub-strings should be defined as with any other set of keywords however the line containing the sub-strings should start with "** " and all sub-strings should be on the same line as in:

          ** aaa bbb

          The example above would highlight any words beginning with "aaa" or "bbb".
          Because I don't know LS-Dyna, I'm guessing you have a wordfile something like:

          /L10"LS_DYNA" Nocase Noquote Line Comment = $ File Extensions = key dyn
          /Delimiters = ! @^&(){}-+=|\/{}[]:;"'<>,.?~
          /C1"LS-DYNA Keywords 1"
          ** *

          ** * instructs UltraEdit to consider all strings starting with * as keywords belonging to color group C1.

          Regarding your question with numbers (int and double) I think we need to see your wordfile and a LS-Dyna example.