Highlighting shorthand definition for XML namespace tags

Highlighting shorthand definition for XML namespace tags


    Sep 02, 2005#1

    Is is possible to set a single highlighting entry in the wordfile to match all tags with a namespace prefix?

    For example, I have a large group of tags with the xhtml namespace prefix and another group with the xforms namespace prefix. What I would like to do is conceptually something along this line:


    Where the asterisk is a place holder for any string of characters up to the the closing (right) angle bracket.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Sep 05, 2005#2

      Not really for your need. Marker Characters are normally used for such use, but these are marker characters not strings.

      /Marker Characters = "<>" will highlight all characters between < and >, if <> are in the same line. To specify the color for this string, add <>[/red] as pair to any color group.

      A sub string definition could also be used to highlight a set of words, but only words, not strings including word delimiter characters.

      Maybe as workaround the alternative block comment could be used, which has it's on color setting.

      Block Comment On Alt = xhtml Block Comment Off Alt = >

      I have not tested it and only 1 set can be specified with this workaround.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria