
How configure the Borland C++ 5.02 Compiler

How configure the Borland C++ 5.02 Compiler


    Nov 07, 2005#1

    How configure the Borland C++ 5.02 Compiler?
    The Program Folder is C:\bc5
    The Path is C:\bc5\bin
    I need to configure the BGI and other resources
    Please help me!.

    Advanced UserAdvanced User

      Nov 09, 2005#2

      I'm not sure which version this is ... I am using "Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32" which is the free command-line compiler, the same compiler which is supplied with Borland C++ Builder version 5. The name of the executable for my compiler is BCC32.EXE. What is it for your version?

      What is the BGI? I never heard of this.

      If you can compile something from the command line, it should work OK in UEStudio. It's just a question of getting the Windows environment variables set correctly and doing the UEStudio compiler configuration setup. Choosing the right compiler and build should take care of most things.


        Nov 09, 2005#3

        The Borland C++ 5.02 is a IDE, the BGI is Borland Graphics Interface, is a Library offered by Borland for use the Graphics Mode in Dos Mode, the free compiler 5.5 is more recently.

        The compiler for this IDE is bcc32.exe and the version is 5.2.

        Advanced UserAdvanced User

          Nov 12, 2005#4

          OK -- from the menu, choose "Build->Select Compiler", then out of the list that appears you want to choose "Borland Inprise Compiler". Try to compile something simple, e.g. "Hello World" and see if that works.


            Feb 22, 2006#5


            I was wondering if you could send me what you have for your UEStudio compiler configuration file for Borland C++ 5.5 Command Line Tools. So far i've been using the default config file in UEStudio and I'm not sure if i have make any modifications to it.

            I can't seem to get it to work when I build; it keeps spitting out the message to the console that says:

            Fatal: Unable to open file "C0W32.OBJ"

            Any assistance you could provide would be really helpful.


            Advanced UserAdvanced User

              Mar 05, 2006#6

              Sorry I am late replying to this, but I haven't been around lately.
              Fatal: Unable to open file "C0W32.OBJ"
              OK, it looks like you haven't created a default linker configuration file yet, or else you need to add an /L switch with the directory where the Borland *.lib and startup (*.obj) files are located.

              Do you have an ilink32.cfg file in your Borland \bin directory? If so, what does it look like?

              Actually, I'm not sure whether the .cfg files are used by UEStudio. Make sure you have selected the "Borland Inprise Compiler". I always like to click the "Make Configuration Local" button which saves the entire configuration in the project directory in case I mess something up. Click "Edit Configuration". Now scroll down in the right-hand pane until you see this section:

              Code: Select all

              CPATH =E:\Borland\BCC55
              COPT = -c -q -VF -$(Generate Code) // long line snipped....
              PATH = $(CPATH)\Bin;%PATH%
              INCLUDE = $(CPATH)\Include
              LIB = /L$(CPATH)\Lib /L$(CPATH)\Lib\PSDK
              Check the definition of "CPATH" under the [Variables] section, and make sure it is showing you the right path. You should probably have that in your Windows PATH environment variable, too. Make sure that the \Include and \Lib subdirectories exist, i.e. haven't been renamed; otherwise you can tell UEStudio where they are by manually editing the appropriate lines above.


                Mar 11, 2006#7


                Thanks a lot. I can't believe I didn't see this before: my compiler path had an extra directory attached at the end and was the reason why I couldn't get this to work. I guess I just needed a sounding board on this one.

                Thanks again.
