
How do I insert parenthesis around a block of highlighted text?

How do I insert parenthesis around a block of highlighted text?


    May 15, 2009#1

    Hi 8)

    Lets say that I want to highlight some text and quickly insert parenthesis braces around it ( ), these ones. Is there a quick easy shortcut for that?

    Also, it would be handy to be placed inside of my function braces somehow after I type the function definition, currently I do not know how to do this but I've seen some other third party editors that have this feature. I'll show you what I mean., you start typing a function definition like so.. (btw, this is PHP)

    function DisplayNavigation() {
    } (Is there a shortcut key or something that I can press here that will pop me inside?? like so?)

    function DisplayNavigation() {
    (Pop me in right here???)

    please and thanks if anyone can help?

    Ricky 8) 8)

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      May 15, 2009#2

      For your first question see insert characters before and after selected block. I think a template with ([$replace$]) would be best for your case.

      For your second question, no and yes. You could create a template to insert {} over multiple lines and set the cursor in the line between. But the current indentation level is ignored on inserting a multi-line template. So in UltraEdit you would need to code this feature with a script or a macro.

      UEStudio which is a real IDE and not just a text editor supports what you want. UEStudio has an IntelliTips feature which supports smart inserting and placement of {}. To be more precise UEStudio can do following:

      You press the key for { and UES inserts


      with taking the actual indentation level into consideration. | is the cursor position. Now you press RETURN and you will get


      If you have currently only UltraEdit installed, you can read in help of UltraEdit the page titled Miscellaneous (Configuration - IDE - IntelliTips) to see the explanation what UEStudio supports. In help of UltraEdit which is identical to help of UEStudio you can select the Contents tab, open Menu Commands - Advanced Menu - Configuration - IDE and read which additional configuration options UEStudio supports in comparison to UltraEdit. See UEStudio is a powerful IDE combined with UltraEdit text editor and the pages linked on this page for more info on UEStudio.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        May 15, 2009#3

        Thanks for the reply

        I just downloaded the trial version of UEStudio and I installed it to get a feel for what you were talking about. I navigated to the directory that contains all of my .php files and opened up a couple PHP files. To my surprise there was no color highlighting being done at all, it was all black. Do I have to do something special here in order to enable?

        UltraEdit was able to tell that I'm working with a php file and there was color highlighting.


        Grand MasterGrand Master

          May 16, 2009#4

          Well, check in the syntax highlighting configuration dialog (Advanced - Configuration - Editor Display - Syntax Highlighting) the path to the wordfiles which are the same as for UltraEdit v15.00.0.1046. Check also if in this directory are the wordfiles normally installed by the MSI of UEStudio into "directory of UES\wordfiles" and copied on first start by UEStudio to "%appdata%\IDMComp\UEStudio\wordfiles".

          You can see in View - View As as well as in the syntax highlighting configuration dialog if the standard syntax highlighting wordfiles are found and loaded.

          I have upgraded from a previous installation of UEStudio and therefore my syntax highlighting environment is different to the brand new wordfiles management of UES v9.10.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria