
How to BackUp FTP Account

How to BackUp FTP Account


    May 16, 2005#1

    How to BackUp FTP Account?
    If I ReInstall Ultraedit.

    Advanced UserAdvanced User

      May 16, 2005#2

      Hi Williams

      FTP information is kept in the "uedit32.ini" file under "[FTP Account -]"
      Each account begins with "[FTP Account - Dennise]" in this case Dennise is a server I FTP to.

      Oh the "uedit32.ini" can be two places depending on how long you been using UE.
      1) C:/Program Files/UltraEdit/ Old way before version 10.20
      2) C:/Documents and Settings/signon_name/Application Data/IDMcomp/UltraEdit/ New way since version 10.20

      Hope this Helps


        Jun 19, 2006#3

        ...it is not working for me... :(

        Before reinstalling windows I had UE32 installed from version 10.00 to the current 12.something so I backed up the .ini file with all the FTP sites definitions.

        After reinstalling win and UE32 12.10, I could not be able to retrieve my FTP sites in any way; I tried to copy/paste the section in the new .ini file but with no success...

        Maybe this should be a feature request for a new version??? it could be very helpful to have a tool or something for migrating the FTP accounts.

        In the mean while is there any workaround???

