
How to find multiple lines using just one search string and get them copied into a new file?

How to find multiple lines using just one search string and get them copied into a new file?


Nov 16, 2018#1

I have some lines in this format:

Code: Select all

username password email emailpassword number FirstName LastName Birthday
I want to find the exact lines containing the same emails. For example there are 10 lines like the above and I try to find from those 10 just 4 and copy them into a new file.

I tried this using basic Find, but I can use only one line to type the email. How can I type multiple lines (email addresses) in find to search them in Edit file?

Is this achievable?

Grand MasterGrand Master

Nov 16, 2018#2

Yes, this is possible:
  1. Open the regular Find dialog (not Quick Find) by pressing Alt+F3 or twice Ctrl+F.
  2. Enter the email addresses in Find what field in format: address1|address2|address3|address4
  3. Click on gearwheel button to get displayed the advanced Find options.
  4. Check the option Regular expressions and select Perl as regular expression engine to use for this find.
  5. Check the option List lines containing string.
  6. Click on button Next to run this Perl regular expression find with an OR expression with listing all lines containing one of the email addresses in separate window.
  7. Right click into opened Find String List window and left click on context menu item Copy results to new file.
That's it.
Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


Nov 18, 2018#3

Thanks a lot, it worked.