
How to have the same configuration on two computers automatically?

How to have the same configuration on two computers automatically?


    Apr 25, 2018#1

    Hi everyone,

    I'm using UltraEdit on two computers and I want to share the exact same 'experience' in some way. I'm basically using Google Drive to sync my main files located in %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit

    What I do is that I use the mlink command to make a link of the configuration folder in my Google Drive account. It works, in some way. My FTP accounts are synced, no problems, but it seems that the settings (Advanced/Settings) are not.

    On computer 1, I've set in the Settings > File Handling > Encoding to have 'UTF-8' as the default encoding, but when I save changes and open UltraEdit on computer 2, if I check on the same place, it's still 'ANSI' as the default encoding for new files.


    Okay, on both computers I have a C: drive for Windows and a D: drive for data, the D: drive is where my Google Drive is (D:\Google Drive\), yes, on both.

    So what I do on both computers is that I delete the original UltraEdit folder in %APPDATA%\IDMComp\ (you can just rename it if you're not sure). and then I run a script called mklink.cmd with that text in it;

    mklink /J "%APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit" "D:\Google Drive\mlink\UltraEdit"

    The mklink.cmd is basically a text file that can be run, so you put the text here in the file, change the values for your tastes (you can use DropBox, or the sync app of your choice) and then save the file and run it. What it will do is make a virtual link inside the folder %APPDATA%\IDMComp\ called UltraEdit, you will see a shortcut on the icon actually when created, and refer to %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit instead.

    So as soon as you launch UltraEdit, initial configuration will be made on that folder, if you run the same script on both computers (you might have to change the script if you don't have your sync app on the same folder) and open UltraEdit on computer 2, you will actually see your FTP sites synchronized, and in both ways. As soon as you make a change on either sides, it will get saved on the other side.

    Now, I want to make the same things for Settings, but it doesn't seem to be at the same place since it's UTF-8 on computer 1 and still ANSI on computer 2. Does Settings save on another place or what?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Apr 26, 2018#2

      First, naming a batch file mklink.cmd containing a command line with just mklink is no good idea. On double clicking on this batch file it recursively executes itself in an endless loop because Windows command interpreter has to search for an application or script with name mklink with a file extension in environment variable PATHEXT in current directory and if not found there in all directories listed in environment variable PATH. So the batch file mklink.cmd executes mklink which results in executing mklink.cmd if the current directory on batch file execution is the directory of the batch file. Better would be to specify in batch file mklink with full path and file extension, i.e. %SystemRoot%\System32\mklink.exe. Best would be naming the batch file not exactly as a standard console application, for example LinkUE.cmd.

      Second, there is the environment variable UEINIDIR. Adding this environment variable to user or system environment variables via Control Panel - System - Advanced system settings - tab Advanced - button Environment Variables with value D:\Google Drive\mlink\UltraEdit should make the folder linking unnecessary. (There are some exceptions because some files are always stored in %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit.) I suggest to set environment variable UEINIDIR in your configuration on both computers in addition to link to avoid link usage for all files on which UltraEdit uses UEINIDIR.

      Third, UltraEdit loads settings only once on startup of UltraEdit and saves them only once on exit of UltraEdit. So if you change a setting in configuration and close the dialog with OK the modified settings are applied by UltraEdit for running instance, but are not immediately saved into the INI file (on using INI file instead of Windows registry for settings as by default). The modified settings are stored on next exit of UltraEdit.

      So if you modify a setting in configuration in UltraEdit running on computer 1, close the dialog with OK, let UltraEdit running on computer 1 and start UltraEdit on computer 2, the still unmodified INI file is read by this UltraEdit on computer 2. The last exited UltraEdit instance determines the settings for next started UltraEdit instance.

      Account settings for FTP/FTPS/SFTP or SSH/Telnet are saved immediately if not saved in INI file of UltraEdit.

      Please note that UltraEdit uses file access locks to prevent a read/write of the configuration files by another instance of UltraEdit when an UltraEdit instance currently reads/writes the configuration files. This is necessary for example on starting two UltraEdit instances at the same time, or exit an UltraEdit instance while another instance starts at the same time. The UltraEdit instance not yet having file access to configuration files waits silently in background until the UltraEdit instance currently accessing the configuration files closes the configuration files resulting in unlocking read/write access on the configuration files by other applications. This is necessary to prevent corruptions of the configuration files as it happened many years ago before using read/write file access locks on accessing the configuration files on using multiple instances of UltraEdit. You should take care about that as I don't know if that file access locks/unlocks work also with automatic synchronization done by Google Drive. You better backup the UltraEdit configuration from time to time. UltraEdit has a feature to backup/restore its configuration.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Apr 26, 2018#3

        Regarding to batch file name mklink.cmd: Actually, it does not loop, it just creates the link and close itself in a second.

        Regarding to saving settings only on exit of UE: Yes, I'm aware of this, I always close my UE when I leave to eventually opening it after on the other side. Not a problem, but I understand.

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Apr 27, 2018#4

          mklink.exe must be executed as local administrator. So I suppose you right clicked on mklink.cmd and clicked next in context menu on Run as administrator. This results in changing the current directory from directory of the batch file to directory %SystemRoot%\System32. For that reason Windows command interpreter finds first %SystemRoot%\System32\mklink.exe instead of %~dp0mklink.cmd on searching for mklink.*. So the batch file mklink.cmd works by chance, but not by design.

          See also answer on Stack Overflow question: Why does 'Run as administrator' changes (sometimes) batch file's current directory?

          I suppose further that the directory containing mklink.cmd is not in environment variable PATH or its directory path is in list of directory paths after %SystemRoot%\System32. It is NEVER a good idea to name a batch file identical to an executable in %SystemRoot%\System32.

          See also answer on Stack Overflow question: What is the reason for '...' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file?
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


            Jul 06, 2018#5

            How about trying out some 3rd party app for synchronization and backup?
            I'd highly recommend "Syncovery".
            It has various synchronization features including Exact Mirror and Smart Tracking.
            Once you set up as many different jobs as you need you can run them automatically using the scheduler. (The scheduler can run as a service.)
            And it works with local hard drives, network drives and any other mounted volumes.
            Support is available for FTP, SSH, HTTP, Google Drive, etc.