how to jump to a variable line number

how to jump to a variable line number


    Feb 01, 2006#1

    I want to read a number from a file test.txt and jump to that line number f.e.:
    lets jump to line: 30

    How do I solve this problem?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Feb 02, 2006#2

      Sorry, but this is not possible without a trick. The trick is to add the line number on every line of the file and use a normal find to go to the line with the variable line number. Now you can modify the line. Finally all line numbers added will be removed.

      Add your macro code here to copy the line number into the clipboard. This can be also an UltraEdit user clipboard if you don't want to loose the content of your windows clipboard.
      Key HOME
      Key HOME
      ColumnInsertNum 1 1 LeadingZero
      Find MatchCase "^cMOFI"
      Here insert your macro code. You can also use UnixReOn for Unix style regular expression if you prefer it. But then also the last RegExp must be edited to "^[0-9]*MOFI".
      Find RegExp "%[0-9]+MOFI"
      Replace All ""

      The "MOFI" string is important to make sure that not a number is deleted which was already at start of a line before adding the line numbers and to find really the line number and not any other number in the file. Of course you can also use any other string which does not exist in your file at start of any line.

      And don't forget to enable the macro property Continue if a Find with Replace not found.

      I hope your file is not too large or the macro will be a little bit slow on execution because of inserting and removing the line numbers.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria