
How to remember previous caret position?

How to remember previous caret position?


    Feb 11, 2015#1


    their is something that I didn't find in UltraEdit and that is vital for good text editor.

    When I'm at one position in the file, often I need to see up or down some other code, and come back later where I was.
    For example in Delphi we do Ctrl+1 .. 10 to store a position and later, anywhere in the code we can do Ctrl+F1 .. F10 to go back to this position.

    Is this possible with UltraEdit?


      Feb 12, 2015#2

      Search->Bookmarks or CTRL+F2
      Previous bookmark - ALT+F2
      Next Bookmark - F2
      It's impossible to lead us astray for we don't care even to choose the way.

      Grand MasterGrand Master

        Feb 12, 2015#3

        Bookmarks must be set with Search - Bookmarks - Toggle Bookmark.

        See also Advanced - Configuration - Editor - Bookmarks and open with button Help the help page for these configuration settings.

        There is also View - Views/Lists - Bookmark Viewer useful when using many bookmarks, see Is there a limit for bookmarks per file?

        And there is the configuration setting Automatically bookmark current line on find at Advanced - Configuration - Search - Miscellaneous useful to be able to easily jump back to initial position of a find.

        Further there are the commands Search - Back (last position) and Forward (next position) to jump between editing positions across all files without using bookmarks. Especially command Search - Back (last position) is very useful after using Search - Find Symbol which results in opening the file (if not already opened) containing definition of a symbol (function, variable, macro) and setting caret to the line of symbol definition. With Search - Back (last position) a jump back to previous position in same or other file can be easily achieved.

        The hotkeys of all commands can be customized at Advanced - Configuration - Key Mapping. The name of a command is build of main menu name, e.g. Search, and menu item name, e.g. Toggle Bookmark resulting in SearchToggleBookmark for the example command. With option Sort not checked in key mapping configuration dialog, the list of commands is (nearly) in the same order as the commands in main menu.
        Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria