
How to restore position of File Tree View in UltraEdit on Mac?

How to restore position of File Tree View in UltraEdit on Mac?


    Sep 15, 2017#1

    Somehow, I have upset the layout of UltraEdit on my MacBook.

    I always used to have File Tree View on the left and the file edit space on the right, BOTH beneath the main toolbar (New File, Open, Close, Save etc.).

    Now, File Tree View is on the left, but continues to the top of the window, with the main toolbar and the edit space to the right.

    I've tried all kinds of ways of turning toolbars on and off, dragging and dropping windows, searched the forum for "File Tree View", searched on the UtraEdit help files/wiki etc. but no joy.

    Does anyone know how can I get it back to how it used to be?

    Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6

      Sep 18, 2017#2

      I have now contacted support and my problem has been solved.

      The instructions were:
      1. Open Finder.
      2. Hold the option key and select Go at the top of the screen. This step is very important.
      3. Choose Library (this will not show unless you are holding the option key).
      4. Choose Application Support.
      5. You should see an UltraEdit folder, rename this to UltraEditOld.
      6. Restart UltraEdit
      This basically reset UltraEdit to its initial settings.
      A bit drastic - I lost all history, other settings, etc. but preferable to what I had before.