How to save Quick Access Toolbar settings?

How to save Quick Access Toolbar settings?

Power UserPower User

    Nov 15, 2019#1

    I like using the Quick Access Toolbar,  But when a new version of UE or UES gets installed, my previous settings are wiped.  On other products with Quick Access Toolbars (such as Microsoft Office), there is a button to save the config, but with UE/UES there isn't.  So, how can I save the settings for the Quick Access Toolbar?
    The general Settings Save/Restore doesn't seem to do it.

    There is no such thing as an inconsistently correct system...
    Therefore, aim for consistency; in the expectation of reaching correctness!

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Nov 17, 2019#2

      The ribbon and the quick access toolbar customizations are stored in file %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit64u.in0 on using 64-bit UltraEdit for Windows with default configuration.

      The quick access toolbar customizations are stored in section [Info] on line starting with QuickAccessToolbarCommands=.

      The ribbon customizations are stored also in section [Info] on line starting with CustomizationData=.

      The following facts were collected with 64-bit UltraEdit for Windows v24.20.0.62.

      The customizations are saved into Current Layout.in1 on clicking on ribbon tab Layout in first group Look and feel on first item Layout or on down arrow below item Layout and selecting a different layout. The Current Layout is by default the layout Balanced on having not selected a different layout already in Welcome window on first start of UltraEdit after installation. Next the settings stored in Selected Layout.in1 like Lean.in1 are loaded and taken over into uedit64u.in0 with the exception of QuickAccessToolbarCommands= and CustomizationData= which are kept on switching to a different layout.

      In other words with UltraEdit for Windows v24.20.0.62 the user customizations for ribbon and quick access toolbar are always kept for each layout selected by the user.

      Next I made an upgrade to 64-bit UltraEdit for Windows v26.20.0.46 to verify what changes due to an upgrade.

      The installer modifies only the files in program files directory of UltraEdit and its subdirectories, but not the application data files with the user configuration in application data directory of UltraEdit.

      64-bit UltraEdit v26.20.0.46 made on first start a copy of directory %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\wordfiles with name wordfiles Saved [11.17.19] in directory %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit. Then UltraEdit copied the *.uew files in wordfiles directory in program files directory of UltraEdit into the wordfiles in the application data directory to update the standard *.uew files. All *.uew files added by the user himself/herself to %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\wordfiles were kept in this directory and so existed now twice in directory wordfiles and in directory wordfiles Saved [11.17.19]. The saved wordfiles directory makes it possible that a user who customized one or even more of the standard *.uew files can compare now the customized wordfile(s) in wordfiles Saved [11.17.19] with the updated wordfile(s) in wordfiles and merge the customizations to the updated wordfile(s) not being included due to the wordfiles update. Every user can delete the directory wordfiles Saved [mm.dd.yy] if having never made customizations to standard wordfiles or having them already taken over into updated wordfiles because of this directory with its wordfiles is no longer needed at all.

      64-bit UltraEdit v26.20.0.46 updated on first start also %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit64u.rb0 because of new features (commands) were added between v24.20.0.62 and v26.20.0.46 which the user should have access to of course in ribbon mode and in contemporary menu mode. All standard ribbon elements (= contemporary menus) are stored in this file which is saved as Current Layout.rb1 on switching to a different layout.

      64-bit UltraEdit v26.20.0.46 updated on first start also %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit64u.ini by adding configuration settings added between v24.20.0.62 and v26.20.0.46 while keeping unmodified all other still existing configuration settings. It occurs only rarely that configuration settings are no longer used by a newer version of UltraEdit after an upgrade. Those no longer used configuration settings usually remain in the INI file. In the past it occurred a few times that some settings were moved from INI file into a different data file. That settings movement is done also by UltraEdit on first start after an upgrade.

      64-bit UltraEdit v26.20.0.46 did not modify %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit64u.in0 on first start after the upgrade. Therefore all customizations made on quick access toolbar and the added custom ribbon tab with the custom ribbon groups and the commands were still displayed after start of UltraEdit after the upgrade.

      Conclusion: Everything is fine after start of UltraEdit after an upgrade.

      BUT there is an issue with the ribbon and the quick access toolbar customizations on switching with UltraEdit v26.20.0.46 to a different layout. The lines QuickAccessToolbarCommands= and CustomizationData= are always set to default in file Current Layout.in1 and in uedit64u.in0 with ignoring also the data on those two lines in file Selected Layout.in1 on loading this file.

      In my opinion the behavior of UltraEdit v24.20.0.62 is wrong regarding to ribbon and quick access toolbar customizations and of course the behavior of UltraEdit v26.20.0.46 is definitely not correct. It is neither correct to take over a customization done for one layout to all other layouts nor is it correct to lose all customizations on selecting a different layout for usage as current layout.

      The correct behavior would be on layout change to
      1. save all current settings into the file uedit64u.in0,
      2. copy this file to Current Layout.in1,
      3. copy the file Selected Layout.in1 to uedit64u.in0,
      4. load the settings in uedit64u.in0 and apply them to the application window.
      The same should be done with uedit64u.rb0 and Current Layout.rb1 and Selected Layout.rb1 on switching the layout with an additional upgrade of ribbon configuration on first load after an upgrade of UltraEdit.

      The only advice I can give at the moment is to
      • manually backup the file %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\uedit64u.in0 by creating in UltraEdit application directory a copy with a different name like uedit64u_custom.in0 and restore with that file uedit64u.in0 while UltraEdit is not running when the customizations are lost once again, or
      • use on ribbon tab Advanced in last but one group Configure the second item Backup settings and Backup the Layout and menu/toolbar customizations of Current layout and Restore the customized current layout when the customizations are lost once again.
      I reported this issue with ribbon and quick access toolbar customizations always lost on switching the layout to IDM support by email. I suggest that you do the same. The more users report an issue the higher becomes the priority for fixing it.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Power UserPower User

        Nov 18, 2019#3

        Thanks, Mofi, great to be back...
        I'll send in a defect report.

        There is no such thing as an inconsistently correct system...
        Therefore, aim for consistency; in the expectation of reaching correctness!

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          May 26, 2020#4

          The issue with customizations of ribbon and quick access toolbar lost on switching the layout is fixed with UltraEdit for Windows v27.00. Such customizations on a layout are stored now in configuration files of the current layout on switching to another layout and reloaded on switching back to the customized layout.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria