
How to view contents of the clipboards 0 to 9?

How to view contents of the clipboards 0 to 9?


    Jun 03, 2012#1


    Is it possible to view the contents of the clipboards 0-9, or failing that is there any way of showing which contain data?

    Another problem:
    In order to split a window vertically I read that I just drag the tab down into the editing space. This does not appear to work. I'm trying to view two different docs side by side.


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jun 03, 2012#2

      There is no window to view the contents of the clipboards.

      If you use multiple clipboards and don't know which one contains which text, you can simply paste the text and if it was wrong, undo the paste with Ctrl+Z.

      But better would be to open View - Views/Lists - Clipboard History. This window shows the text copied to any clipboard in the past. Therefore it contains also the current text of the clipboards. You can insert a text displayed in clipboard history window by double clicking on it. It does not matter if the text is still present in one of the clipboards or is present only in clipboard history.

      Depending on your version of UltraEdit it would be quite easy to use a script which outputs for example the first 256 bytes of all clipboards in current output window with the information in which clipboard the text is present.

      Code: Select all

      var nActiveClipboard = UltraEdit.clipboardIdx;
      var sHorizontalLine = "========================================================\n";
      for (var nClipboardIndex = 0;  nClipboardIndex < 10; nClipboardIndex++) {
         var nCharCount = UltraEdit.clipboardContent.length;
         if (!nCharCount) continue;
         var sClipboardInfo = sHorizontalLine + "Clipboard "+nClipboardIndex+" contains: ";
         if (nCharCount <= 256) UltraEdit.outputWindow.write(sClipboardInfo + UltraEdit.clipboardContent);
         else UltraEdit.outputWindow.write(sClipboardInfo + UltraEdit.clipboardContent.substr(0,256) + ". . .");
      For your problem with arraging the document windows side by side see the IDM power tip Drag-N-Drop Split Pane Editing... Vertical/Horizontal Split Window.

      Please take notice of the note at top of the page. This method for arraging files horizontally or vertically works only with Dockable file tabs turned off. With dockable document windows you have to use the menu commands Tile Horizontal and Tile Vertical in menu Window.


        Jun 04, 2012#3

        Thanks very much for your comprehensive response, that has answered both my questions.
