
HP Superdome(9000), can't list file

HP Superdome(9000), can't list file


    Aug 25, 2004#1

    I am using UltraEdit 10.20c to access files on HP Superdome. When I press the browse button, nothing is shown, or not all of them aren't shown. But I can use open file to open the file! The version of UltraEdit works well on other unix server. Somebody may help me?
    The server type has changed to UNIX. The log shows it can get the files and direcotories.

    Below is log......

    Code: Select all

    257 "/app_dev/TUXAPP/src/Sbatch" is current directory.
    PORT 10,161,5,120,98,72
    200 PORT command successful.
    LIST b_fu*
    -rwxrwxrwx   1 tuxapp8    tuxapp8          0 2003.03.27   b_functions.lis
    -rwxrwxrwx   1 tuxapp8    tuxapp8        650 2001.09.07   b_functions.mk
    -rwxrwxrwx   1 tuxapp8    tuxapp8      11670 2003.03.27   b_functions.pc
    150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /usr/bin/ls.
    226 Transfer complete.
    CWD /app_dev/TUXAPP/src/Sbatch
    250 CWD command successful.
    257 "/app_dev/TUXAPP/src/Sbatch" is current directory.
    257 "/app_dev/TUXAPP/src/Sbatch" is current directory.
    PORT 10,161,5,120,98,73
    200 PORT command successful.

    Advanced UserAdvanced User

      Aug 27, 2004#2

      First off I aways hit the "Refresh" button to see what's in my current directory.

      I don't really know what a HP Superdome(9000) is but I saw a setting for "OS 9000" under "server type". That might be what you need?

      Hey if you start to get frustrated email "[email protected]"

      This is a user supported forum but please let us know what you find out!

      Good Luck