
HTML editing mangling paragraph

HTML editing mangling paragraph


    Sep 06, 2006#1

    I'm guessing I have a setting off or something as this issue has persisted for me across versions of UEStudio. Any help would be appreciated.

    When I select a paragraph of text then use the side bar to put say <p> </p> around it I end up with something similar to this:

    Code: Select all

    <p>This is my paragra</p>ph.
    The code that is supposed to go at the end of the selected text gets pushed into the previous word. There seems to be no rhyme nor reason. It does not always do it.

    Another issue I have that is more annoying than anything is the parsing of every file when a project is opened. Again, I believe I am just missing a setting, but I have gone over the settings over and over and never been able to find one that makes a difference. When connected to the LAN at work it isn't a big deal, but as I move and do more work at home it takes a very long time for this to complete over VPN. Is there a way I can disable this?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Sep 09, 2006#2

      I can't reproduce the </p> inserting problem. I guess with side bar you mean the Tag List View with HTML - Tags selected.

      Maybe you can do following when it occurs next time. Immediately undo it, select the text again and insert <p></p> again. If </p> is again inserted wrong, save your file, close UEStudio, start it again and try it again with exactly the same text selected. If it is again inserted wrong, you have a situation where the issue can be reproduced and you, we or the IDM support/developers can further look into it.

      See also the part My suggestions for the configuration for UTF-8 webpage writers in my first post at Using UTF-8 with UltraEdit.

      For your second problem look at the thread UltraEdit is getting very slow. Maybe one of the suggestions there will also help you.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Sep 09, 2006#3

        Another odd thing, i can get it to happen more if i select text from right to left up the paragraph, as opposed to left to right down the paragraph. I'll do what you suggested about recreating the situation, and look at the UTF-8 thread .. and yes it is Paragraph in the tag list. It is also LI's UL's ... almost any kind of "container" tags.

        Basic UserBasic User

          Dec 05, 2006#4

          I tried and cannot reproduce this problem either (in UltraEdit 12.20a+4). From this I'm guessing that something on your PC is causing the glitch. I'd be surprised if it's a setting in UE because I can't imagine there'd be any use for it.

          Because you mentioned a difference when you select the text from the end, do you have a Windows setting that would auto-detect and work in right-to-left mode? (This would be for languages which run rtl instead of ltr.) I don't even know if Windows has an option like that, so this is a shot in the dark, lol. Firefox has a really minor visual cursor bug when it encounters sites which have the rtl capability enabled and the cursor is in a form field, which is the only reason I know anything about rtl behavior in the first place).

          I'm running Windows Professional 2000, fully patched and up-to-date, just in case this problem is OS-related.

          Sorry I couldn't do any better than this.

          Basic UserBasic User

            Dec 05, 2006#5

            Although I cannot reproduce this problem right now, I'm aware of it.
            I've noticed that many times when I was editing UTF-8 non-latin files. BTW that never happens with other (single byte) encodings.