html tag popup box

html tag popup box


    Apr 04, 2008#1

    I'm doubting to buy either multiedit or ultraedit. Both will run on my U3, both have comparible features.

    However in Multiedit I can simply rightclick a HTML tag and get to choose a window in which I can choose e.g. the color, width, id, class etc basically all html tags are in there and its simple. ofcourse in this case you might want to do most of it via css, but still I find it handy to quickly generate some html pages or just valign a specific td without typing in a hurry.

    I believe it are the weblair extensions

    Is there any way this feature is in ultraedit or can be achieved in getting in ultraedit, so these weblair extensions?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Apr 06, 2008#2

      UltraEdit has the tool Style Builder in the TOOLS toolbar.

      There are also some HTML specific macros on the Downloads - Extras - Macros & Scripts page which might be helpful.

      Next there is the View - Views/Lists - Tag List which you can use to quickly insert HTML elements, attributes or entities. The tags can be also customized.

      You can define and use up to 50 templates to insert quickly often needed text phrases - see Advanced - Display Modify/Templates and use forum search to find more about templates.

      Further there are the 25 standard HTML commands which can be extended with 25 customized commands to insert often needed HTML codes. See Advanced - Configuration - Toolbars / Menus - HTML Toolbar.

      You could create also an auto-complete file for HTML so you can enter for example <td, press Ctrl+Space and UltraEdit will show you a small dialog with various text phrases starting with <td which you have defined in the auto-complete file - see Advanced - Configuration - Editor - Word Wrap / Tab Settings.

      So there are lots of extensions you can use to faster write HTML code. See help of UltraEdit about all these settings and use forum search to find more about the various extensions.