
HTML TIDY: How to upgrade tidylib.dll to current version?

HTML TIDY: How to upgrade tidylib.dll to current version?


    Aug 25, 2007#1


    The Tidy installed with UE v.13.10 is v.12--I would like to use a more current version of Tidy, which I think is at v.14 now. Version 12 seems to mess up the doc type / header in its output (at least according to Dreamweaver), meaning I need to manually go back in and tweak each file. I would like to see if Tidy v.14 corrects this.

    The UE developers have indicated I can simply replace tidylib.dll with a more current version.

    But where do I find a current version of tidylib.dll? Can someone show me where to find it . . . and walk me through the process of installing? I'm wondering if any other files are needed.


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Re: HTML TIDY: How to upgrade tidylib.dll to current version

      Aug 25, 2007#2

      With default setting auto for the doc-type the doc-type declaration is not changed by HTML Tidy except you use one which is unknown (wrong). Check the options.

      Entering HTML Tidy in an internet search engine like Google gives you the link to the open source project HTML Tidy. It's also in help of UltraEdit and several times here in the forum. Next time please first search.

      You really have to replace just tidylib.dll in the UltraEdit program directory. But make a backup before. I don't know if the newer versions are still compatible (= have same interface to other applications like UltraEdit).

      But as you can see on the HTML Tidy project page the latest version is available only as compiled EXE, not as DLL. When you want to use this version, you have to add it as user tool to UltraEdit and create yourself the configuration file with the options you want. That means you have to read now many pages to really understand the program. And this version is not running on Win98 because of missing function GetFileSizeEx in kernel32.dll.

      The currently latest DLL version by Cory Nelson is older. If you want a newer DLL version, you have to compile it by yourself.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Re: HTML TIDY: How to upgrade tidylib.dll to current version

        Aug 26, 2007#3

        Hi Mofi,

        Thanks for your response.

        The Doctype "auto" in Tidy does not preserve the doc type settings of my code. For example, using the auto setting, if I input this:

        <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
        <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">

        I get back this from HTML Tidy in UE v.13 . . .

        <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN">
        <html lang="en">

        The "loose" setting gives this result, which is also not correct . . .

        <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
        <html lang="en">

        I did do a search on Google and this site before posting, but your message seems to confirm my impression--that the latest version of Tidy is not available as a .dll.

        Can someone show me how to compile the .dll? Or maybe just do it for the community? (I'm not at all familiar with that process.)

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Re: HTML TIDY: How to upgrade tidylib.dll to current version

          Aug 26, 2007#4

          It looks like you are writing so good XHTML code that HTML Tidy thinks it is strict XHTML and so declare the document as strict XHTML.

          However, you can overwrite this. Set the Doctype to loose and check also Output-xhtml. Then the doctype declaration and the document content will be what you want: XHTML Transitional.

          All you need to compile a newer version is described on the SourceForge project page for HTML Tidy. You need a compiler like Visual Studio 6 C++ and a CVS client to get access to the source code files in the CVS repository. I don't want to write here more. I'm also not familiar how to join the developers team of a project on SourceForge and I don't want to read all the documents (and mails) for you. Read it yourself, if you are really interested in.

          I think, it would be easier to contact Dirk Paehl, the person who has compiled the latest EXE version, and ask him, if he could compile also the DLL version. Also it would be fine if Dirk Paehl could replace GetFileSizeEx() with GetFileSize() or creates a second version with GetFileSize() instead of GetFileSizeEx() to get a version which does not need Win2000 or higher. I think, there are not many files with more than 4 GB which would really require GetFileSizeEx().
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


            Re: HTML TIDY: How to upgrade tidylib.dll to current version

            Aug 26, 2007#5

            Alright Mofi, thanks.

            I will try to reach Dirk.

            The "loose" mode does create a valid doc type for HTML, but not XHTML

            <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

            Grand MasterGrand Master

              Re: HTML TIDY: How to upgrade tidylib.dll to current version

              Aug 27, 2007#6

              Tuco wrote:The "loose" mode does create a valid doc type for HTML, but not XHTML
              That's not correct. I have tried it before I have written yesterday my post. Your mistake is that you have not checked option Output-xhtml as I have already written. When you do that, you will get an XHTML output and also an XHTML transitional doctype.

              I don't like to repeat myself. Please next time follow my instructions.
              Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


                Aug 28, 2007#7

                I stand corrected. Thanks for your help.