
Improve auto-completion for VHDL projects?

Improve auto-completion for VHDL projects?

Basic UserBasic User

    Jun 28, 2013#1


    I'm wondering if there is a possibility to improve auto-completion in my project with the content of my package file? (Project language is VHDL.)
    It would be very useful.

    Thanks for your answer on this point

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jun 28, 2013#2

      Click in UltraEdit in menu Help on Index to open the help. Select now tab Index and start entering Auto Completion. As soon as you can see this item in the list below, double click on this item to open the Auto Completion help page.

      You can read on this help page from which files and lists UltraEdit reads the words or strings for the auto-completion feature.

      Please note that the function list view can be configured via context menu item List for all Project Files to list all strings found in all files of a project by the customizable regular expression search strings in the wordfile(s) for the function list view.

      I don't know what a package file is in your project, but it should be no problem to get the strings in your package file you want for auto-completion either copied into the syntax highlighting wordfile into an appropriate color group (syntax highlighting + auto-completion + auto-correction) or an auto-completion file (only auto-completion).

      Basic UserBasic User

        Jul 01, 2013#3

        Thanks for your answer Mofi.
        You're right I had to read the manual pages first.

        So, if I well understand the man pages, I need to create (or add) the content of my package (only the word I want) to a defined file and load it in UE.
        I saw that I can load this kind of file in the configuration menu of UE, but can I load it only when I open my project?

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Jul 01, 2013#4

          The project settings dialog do not offer to specify an auto-complete file. Just a project based wordfile (directory) containing the words you want to auto-complete and a project based smart template file are supported by UltraEdit.

          I did not mention it in my previous post, but you could put the words or strings of your package you want to use for auto-completion also into a smart template file which gives you more options than a simple auto-completion as smart templates support variables which value you enter on inserting the smart template. That can be used to fill in on inserting the smart templates the parameters of a "function".

          The auto-completion file specification at Advanced - Editor - Word Wrap / Tab Settings is according to the file extension(s) shown above in the drop down list. See for example file extension based word wrap, tab and indent settings for an explanation how to specify individual settings for auto-complete, indent and word wrap depending on extension of a file.

          It is possible for a project to setup Ctags support. Exuberant Ctags as installed with UltraEdit is a tool which builds a database of symbols based on regular expressions found in all files of a project. That makes it possible to jump to a symbol definition by using command Search - Find Symbol, best used with an assigned hotkey. But UltraEdit does not add the symbols found by Ctags to the auto-completion list. However, it could be nevertheless interesting for you to setup ctags support. VHDL is one of the 41 built-in supported languages of Ctags. Installed with UltraEdit is version 5.5.4, but you can simply replace ctags.exe in subdirectory GNU in the UltraEdit program files directory if you want to use currently latest version of Exuberant Ctags for Windows as only 5.8 supports VHDL.

          Hm, I should suggest IDM to update ctags.exe installed with UltraEdit and UEStudio also to version 5.8 if there is no compatibility problem.

          Basic UserBasic User

            Jul 02, 2013#5

            Thanks for your answer Mofi.

            You're right on the last point. I already use CTAGS and it is very useful. But, I have to update the default CTAGS version of UE with the last version in order to have support for VHDL.

            I'll try to use the smart templates for improve auto-completion in my project.
            Thanks again.