
inline ASPX / VB syntax color coding

inline ASPX / VB syntax color coding


    May 12, 2009#1

    Is there support for inline ASPX / VB syntax color coding?

    Coding should highlight HTML / VB.NET coding in ASPX file (HTML / C#)

    Here is code snippet:

    Code: Select all

    <%@ Page Language="VB" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <script runat="server" >
       dim s as String=""
       dim s2 as String=""
       sub fillTest()
          s = "testtest"
          s = replace(s,"e","x")
       end sub
       s2 = "test2test2"
       s2 = replace(s2,"e","x")
       'fill variable s with text
    <table border="1">

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      May 12, 2009#2

      Multi-language syntax highlighting works fine for your example with UltraEdit v15.00.0.1046. I stored your example in a file named Test.asp and UltraEdit highlights
      • the first line with VBScript ASP,
      • the second line with HTML,
      • the lines 3-12 with JavaScript,
      • the lines 15-19 again with VBScript ASP,
      • the inline codes <%=s%> and <%=s2%> also with VBScript ASP
      • and anything else with HTML.
      The syntax highlighting wordfiles used during the test for your example are the 3 standard wordfiles: html.uew, javascript.uew and vbscript.uew installed with UltraEdit v15.00.

      You can see at any time which syntax highlighting is used at the current cursor position on the status bar at bottom of the UltraEdit main window in the 4th field left to the last modification date and time.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        May 13, 2009#3

        How to setup multicoding in UEStudio '09 ?
        here is how it looks to me:

        in line 14-19 & 24,25 there aren't color coding :(
        and line 3-12 (<script runat="server"> - this is ASPX not JScript

        this is how my UEStudio '09 parsed multi language file
        line 1: ASPX
        line 2-3: ASP JScript
        line 4-11: JScript
        line 12-13: ASP JScript
        line 15-27: ASPX (this should be HTML)

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          May 13, 2009#4

          The file extension you use for your ASPX files which I guess is aspx must be appended to the first line of the wordfile / language with the language marker HTML_LANG. For a new standard installation of UEStudio v9.10.0.1005 this file is html.uew. No other wordfile / language can have this language marker. UltraEdit allows only one instance of a language marker. There are other language markers as you can read in help of UEStudio on page Syntax Highlighting near the bottom.

          The strings (tags) which are used to identify a section of a different language in a HTML file can't be customized. They are built-in in uestudio.exe. I don't know if UEStudio can correct identify currently ASPX sections in HTML. There is no special language marker keyword for ASPX and I don't know anything about ASPX. I'm a user like you and not interested in ASPX. You maybe need to write a feature request email to IDM for support of ASPX sections in a HTML file. The IDM developers may need information how to identify an ASPX section, especially because it uses also the <script tag as JScript (correct name, but JavaScript is more common, although not really correct).

          If no other user can help you further with multi-language syntax highlighting of ASPX files, please contact IDM support by email. You can see the email address at top of this page.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria