I don't have any knowledge about LaTeX, but I looked on your wordfile and ran my
Syntax highlighting/wordfile sorting macro validation tools on that file. I have attached the resulting wordfile to this post.
You can see that I removed from the first line " Escape Char = \" which I think is useless because of Noquote. In the list of delimiters I removed the character @ and inserted a tab. There was no problem with the macros SortLanguage and TestForDuplicate. But the macro TestForInvalid returned following:
Code: Select all
\+ <- contains the delimiter: +
\, <- contains the delimiter: ,
\- <- contains the delimiter: -
\. <- contains the delimiter: .
\= <- contains the delimiter: =
\Re\Roman <- contains the delimiter: \
\chapter* <- contains the delimiter: *
\circle* <- contains the delimiter: *
\diff{}{} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\emph{} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\frac{}{} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\hspace* <- contains the delimiter: *
\label{} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\newcommand* <- contains the delimiter: *
\nfrac{}{} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\part* <- contains the delimiter: *
\pdiff{}{} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\ref{} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\vspace* <- contains the delimiter: *
\begin{eqnarray} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\begin{figure} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\begin{tabbing} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\begin{tabular} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\begin{} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\end{eqnarray} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\end{figure} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\end{tabbing} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\end{tabular} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\end{} <- contains the delimiters: { }
\section* <- contains the delimiter: *
\subsection* <- contains the delimiter: *
\subsubsection* <- contains the delimiter: *
\CheckCommand* <- contains the delimiter: *
\DeclareOption* <- contains the delimiter: *
\DeclareRobustCommand* <- contains the delimiter: *
\enlargethispage* <- contains the delimiter: *
\includegraphics* <- contains the delimiter: *
\includegraphics[]{} <- contains the delimiters: [ ] { }
\renewcommand* <- contains the delimiter: *
\renewenvironment* <- contains the delimiter: *
\resizebox* <- contains the delimiter: *
\verb* <- contains the delimiter: *
\left[ <- contains the delimiter: [
\right] <- contains the delimiter: ]
I'm not sure about the first 5 lines because of the special LaTeX handling. But the others are with your list of delimiters definitely incorrect words in the syntax highlighting file. I think the delimiters at the end of these words should be removed from these words. \Re\Roman must be split up into 2 words. And the words with \begin{...} and \end{...} must be eliminated. Then the macros SortLanguage, TestForDuplicate and TestForInvalid should be executed again on the wordfile.
I can't help you with your auto-completion problem because I don't have any knowledge about LaTeX, don't have a LaTeX example file and therefore don't know what the auto-completion dialog should show when typing something. However, if the backslash in the delimiters list results in not displaying any word from the wordfile starting with a backslash, I suggest to put all those
\words from the wordfile into a text file with one
\word per line and alphabetically, case-sensitive sorted. But the backslash must be removed from all words.
Then add at
Advanced - Configuration - Editor - Word Wrap/Tab Settings to the list of extensions a new list entry with
LAT LEX TEX, select that list entry and specify the just created text file with the keywords as auto complete file for all files with extension lat, lex or tex. Definitely not the best solution, but the
\keywords are then always available in the auto completion dialog. I have packed the auto complete file generated from the "incorrect" wordfile also to the attached ZIP archive.