I have troubles finding out how to enable UltraEdit on Windows XP to check English spelling while I type a LaTeX document.
I have read through
this and
that and set up UE as follows:
1. In Advanced/Configuration/Spell Checker/Filters I activated "Use Filters" and chose "TeX"
2. In Advanced/Configuration/Spell Checker/Miscellaneous I activated "Enable spell as you type" and "Display suggestions on right mouse ..."
3. I edited c:\Program Files\UltraEdit-32\wordfile.txt and added "EnableSpellasYouType" to the line where the TeX language started. It now begins like this:
Code: Select all
/L14"TeX/LaTeX" Noquote LATEX_LANG Line Comment = % Escape Character = \ File Extensions = LAT TEX LEX EnableSpellasYouType
/Delimiters = {}[]*\~,.+=-#|$@
/Marker Characters = "[]"
/Open Brace Strings = "{" "["
/Close Brace Strings = "}" "]"
/Open Fold Strings = "\begin"
4. I ranted when I saw in Advanced/Configuration/Spell Checker/Miscellaneous that the dictionary files cannot be told to be UTF-8 encoded, because I will need to add quite a few words with special characters from the UTF-8 LaTeX file I am currently editing. (Names of people, toponyms, words from some other languages, etc.)
5. I restarted UE, reopened the LaTeX file.
However, none of the misspelled words were somehow highlighted or underlined. (I hope that a misspelled word is highlighted distinctly in my current syntax highlighting settings). Then I thought well, probably I didn't activated the "spell as you type" feature properly, let's try the usual spell check. Therefore I commanded "Edit/Spell Check" and I was disappointed again because not only was the spell checker complaining about most of the LaTeX command names (strings which follow "\"), but it actually checked all the comments (from "%" to the EOL) as well, which mostly are not written in English at all and contain a lot of words the spell checker for English cannot know.
There is probably something wrong with what I set up. I want UE spell checker to filter TeX syntax (including comments), I want it to check spelling while I type. Which of my settings are wrong?