I have created a project from existing source files. These source files are in a directory structure that mimics the package (namespace in C#) of the source files. So if a file called Util.java has a package of api.company.com, the source file is located in a directory of api\company\com\Util.java. When the file is compiled it is compiled into api\company\com\Util.class under the release directory.
The compile appears to work fine, but building the jar file is having a problem. Here is the output:
The problem is that once the files are compiled into class files they are in a directory structure under my release directory. Since they are in sub-directories, its not able to find .\*.class. When the jar file is built, it should add the directories that were created with javac and that contain the class files.
The compile appears to work fine, but building the jar file is having a problem. Here is the output:
Code: Select all
--------------------Configuration: my-project - Release--------------------
javac -target 1.5 -d .\ -classpath ..\lib\axis.jar;..\lib\jaxrpc.jar;..\lib\saaj.jar;..\lib\wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar; -g:none @my-project.object
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
jar cvfm my-project.jar my-project.man @my-project.resource -C .\ *.class
.\*.class : no such file or directory
added manifest
my-project.jar - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)