
Jump to functions in UE

Jump to functions in UE


    Jan 20, 2009#1

    Hi everybody.

    In my office we work with UE 10.20b (we bought the newest update, but there was no time to install ;-) ). We are coding some software with an unknown script language. The syntax highlighting we configured is working fine.
    There is only one thing I am really missing. Is there a way to jump to a function code or procedure code by double clicking on the name of it? You know you are coding some script, use some functions. And as you use the function you want to see its code. Today we use the 'search' which is quiet good, but the double click feature would be more easy.

    Best greetings,

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jan 20, 2009#2

      If you have found good UltraEdit regular expressions to find the function and procedure definition lines and specified that regular expression search strings accordingly in the wordfile for syntax highlighting, you can open View - Views/Lists - Function List to see a list of all found functions/procedures in the current file or optionally (right mouse click in the function list) for all project files if you have set up a project. Double clicking on a line in the function list view sets the cursor to the function definition line.

      It is also possible to use Ctags. Ctags is a command line tool which can be executed from within UltraEdit to create a database file for all symbols (functions, global variables, preprocessor definitions, etc.) in the current file or in all project files. This database file is used by UltraEdit when the cursor is anywhere inside a symbol and you press the hotkey for Search - Find Symbol which positions the cursor on the line where the symbol is defined. Of course Ctags supports natively only the standard programming languages. But Ctags can be highly configured. It is possible to create a special config file for Ctags where you can specify Perl regular expression strings for finding symbols in your files. Well, you would need to spend some time to read the Ctags manual and find the Perl regex strings, but if you work daily with your files and would need often the Find Symbol feature the time you invested for configuring Ctags and UltraEdit to use the Ctags database will be get back quickly.

      Going back to original cursor position is always possible with Search - Back (last position), best executed by hotkey.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria