
Jump to next result in output window

Jump to next result in output window


    Jul 23, 2004#1

    Is there a shortcut key to jump to the next result in the output window?
    Like F4 in Visual Studio 6 and F8 in Visual Studio .NET.

    I normally uses this to walk thru all the results of a find in files (in VS), but can't find a shortcut for it in UE.

    Many thanks in advance

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jul 30, 2004#2

      Short answer: no (not yet).

      UE does not have such a shortcut key for search results in the output window. For navigation you can only use the 3 methods described in the last paragraph of the help about the output window.

      You can define a hotkey to switch focus between output window and active edit window in the key mapping configuration dialog - command FocusToOutputWindow.

      And Finn Ellebaek Nielsen has written a tool which can help you - see Find in Files -- Increase Edit Window Functionality.


      Since UE v15.00 there is Ctrl+Shift+Up to go within the document window to previous line according to previous line in output window and Ctrl+Shift+Down to go to next line in file according to next line in output window.

      The keys can be configured at Advanced - Configuration - Key Mapping by assigning something different to the commands OutPreviousMessage and OutNextMessage.