
Keepalives possible for SFTP sessions?

Keepalives possible for SFTP sessions?


    Dec 16, 2009#1

    Hi all,

    We are using UE v14.20 in our business.

    The problem is that we use SecurID authentication in our corporate network and using SFTP works but keeps asking me new tokens all the time.

    A solution would be to keep the session open with keepalives.

    I could not find such option in the FTP account manager, is that even possible?

    Is there a workaround if not possible?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Dec 17, 2009#2

      I'm not using FTP/SFTP/SSH/Telnet. Therefore I can tell you only what is documented. The SSH/Telnet Account Manager has the setting KeepAlive Timeout. I don't know if this setting can be used also for SFTP. If no user comes with a useful help until next Monday, I suggest you ask IDM support by email and post the answer from IDM here.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria