
Keyword completion inside strings?

Keyword completion inside strings?


    Nov 02, 2011#1

    I was wondering if it is possible to enable keyword auto complete inside strings? I am using a custom word-file where strings are delimited by " or ' and noticed that in UES it is impossible to get full keyword suggestions as are offered outside of strings. I know that for most languages that makes sense, but I'm working with a script language that permits self modding using strings.

    Note: It used to work this way in UE by default.

    Maybe it would be a nice feature to add to the wordfile as a configuration option? (Not high priority but I thought I'd mention it)


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Nov 03, 2011#2

      UltraEdit has just 2 configuration settings for auto-complete at Advanced - Configuration - Editor - Auto-complete not counting the auto-complete file setting. UEStudio has more configuration settings for auto-complete at Advanced - Configuration - IDE - IntelliTips - Auto-complete. It is possible in UEStudio do disable auto-complete in strings, but that's not what you want because you want a working auto-complete in strings.

      For some reason it looks like the enhanced auto-complete feature of UEStudio is not working inside a string in UEStudio v11.20.0.1006. Within a string the auto-complete feature ignores the characters left the caret and the list of words displayed does not contain any words found in the file. This is definitely a not correct behavior. Outside a string the auto-complete feature of UEStudio works like in UltraEdit.

      What works also inside strings is the Quick Tips feature which you might use until IDM releases a version of UEStudio were auto-complete inside strings is working as it should.

      Update on 2012-07-14: The problem with auto-complete not working correct inside strings although configuration setting Disable this feature for Strings is not checked is fixed finally in UEStudio v12.10.0.1003.


        Nov 03, 2011#3

        Thanks for the info. Also I realized I should have sent an e-mail to support right after I posted here (doh) , and I did. The response I got is that this has been requested before and they agree it's a useful feature. It will be passed on to the devs for consideration for a future release.

        I assume they will figure out the right stuff to fix if they try to get it implemented.
