
line-height for bold font

line-height for bold font


    Jan 28, 2011#1

    Since upgrading to v.16.30 I experience a font-issue I have never seen before.
    It occurs in both UE and UE Mobile.

    I have my 'standard' font set to "courier new-standard-8pts".
    I have my HEX/Column mode font set to the same, but bold: "courier new-bold-8pts".

    So when I switch column mode on and off (which happens very regularly) all that should change is the text being bold or not.
    This worked perfectly up until 16.30.

    Now however, it appears the line-height of the bold font is smaller then that of the standard font.
    When I switch to column mode, more lines fit on the page then in non-column mode.
    On a 19 inch non-widescreen monitor an extra 4 lines appear.

    This makes the code "jump up and down" when switching modes, which is very annoying.

    The width of the characters is apparently the same for both standard and bold fonts, because a line reaches to the exact same point on the screen when changing the mode.

    Can I myself do anything to fix this, or can it please be fixed in a future release?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jan 28, 2011#2

      You are right, I can reproduce what you have described with UE v16.30.0.1003. Switching to column editing mode with bold Courier New 8pt results in 1 pixel less line height as in normal editing mode with regular Courier New 8pt. The font rendering was modified in UE v16.20, especially for fixing some (but not all) issues with bold fonts. But that change in line height should not occur. I suggest you report this problem to IDM support by email to see it probably fixed in next version of UE.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Jan 28, 2011#3

        Thanks Mofi, for confirming this.
        I will report this, and will anxiously await the next version