
Line position in document window after Find/Find Next

Line position in document window after Find/Find Next


    Sep 06, 2014#1

    Hi all, newbie here, so please be gentle with me if I am asking a dumb question!

    One of my output files that I use for checking is plain text, so I use UE to scroll through the output which has a fixed "lines per page".

    I have no issue at all with the incredibly powerful "Find" function, that's great, what I do have an issue with, is the window position after the find is executed.

    With each find next, once the item is found, it is highlighted and the found string is then used to set the window position, so it is in the middle of the visible rows.

    Ideally, I would like to have the found item as the 1st visible line, or within the first 5 visible lines so that I don't have to reposition the window manually. I've tried recording a macro, but scrolling the window does not get recorded in the macro, so, unless I script my own custom find (which I don't want to do as the Find feature is so rich!).

    Am I missing a trick here, or is this something I need to raise with IDM themselves?



    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Sep 07, 2014#2

      Yes, UltraEdit positions the line containing a string always in the middle of the document window which in general is very helpful. There is no configuration setting to change this behavior. There are also no macro or scripting commands to control position of a line in document window.

      But there are several commands which can be executed by hotkey or chord to control position of a line or the caret in document window:
      • CursorToEndofPreviousWord
      • CursorToEndofNextWord
      • CursorToNextParagraph
      • CursorToPreviousParagraph
      • CursorToTopofWindow
      • CursorToBottomofWindow
      • MoveLineToTopofView
      • MoveLineToCenterofView
      • MoveLineToBottomofView
      • ScrollDownLine
      • ScrollUpLine
      They are all listed in key mapping configuration dialog and a hotkey/chord can be assigned to each of those commands for quick execution.

      You are interested in MoveLineToTopofView and therefore I suggest to assign a hotkey easy to execute to this command.

      But I repeat what I wrote already above, those commands are not available as macro or scripting commands.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria