
looking for a Macro to toggle comment

looking for a Macro to toggle comment

Basic UserBasic User

    Jul 22, 2005#1

    Hi all,

    I like the feature "Add Comment" and "Remove Comment" but I'd like
    a <<Toggle Comment>> on selected text. Is there some one with a macro
    to do that? Or any suggestion on how to do?

    Never forget: "Above the clouds, The sky is blue and the sun shine"

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jul 24, 2005#2

      It could be done with cutting (or copying) the selected text and pasting it into a temporary new file. There modify the text with Find+Replace for the comments or if comments not found, add the comments at top and bottom. Then select all, cut it, close the temp file and paste it back into main file. Clipboard 9 should be used for cut/copy/paste. This should help you to develop such a macro for your language and your need.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Basic UserBasic User

        Jul 25, 2005#3

        Thank's Mofi,

        I'll try that way, but I'm a bit affraid by the performance of that solution.
        Never forget: "Above the clouds, The sky is blue and the sun shine"