
Lose highlighting / code-folding when I touch the scroll bar

Lose highlighting / code-folding when I touch the scroll bar


    Feb 28, 2005#1

    I'm working with a trial version of UltraEdit (11.00a). I'd like to buy this product but I'm having problems with asp pages.

    I noticed that SOME of the code inside the <% %> tags was being highlighted properly as VBScript with code folding. Another section was not. I hit enter after the <% and syntax highlighting and code folding suddenly starting working on that segment again. Moving to other lines with the arrow keys, or clicking the arrow keys at the top and the bottom of the scroll bar worked fine.

    But as soon as I moved the scroll bar middle thing (what's that called?) with the mouse, the syntax and the highlighting disappeared.

    I can consistently repeat this with all my asp pages.

    Also, quite a few of my html tags are not being highlighted no matter what I do.


      Re: Lose highlighting / code-folding when I touch the scroll

      Mar 07, 2005#2

      I second that motion. Highlighting drops in and out as I either:
      scroll by dragging the scrollbar.."handle", or
      putting spaces before/after/within various tags, such as <% and then removing the spaces.

      the highlighting will be different before vs. after, even if I add a space then hit ctrl-z

      I've disabled code folding, with no luck.

      (Perhaps the all-in-one "VBscript / ASP / HTML" wordfile.txt entry -- that came with 11.0a -- needs further tweaking...?)

      Basic UserBasic User

        Re: Lose highlighting / code-folding when I touch the scroll

        Mar 08, 2005#3

        That's not a highlighter specific issue, but an UltraEdit bug.
        It happens to me all time, when scrolling long highlighted and/or folded lines. I've sent IDM a bug report and they confirmed that issue.
        So we all have to wait until next update...


          Re: Lose highlighting / code-folding when I touch the scroll

          Mar 08, 2005#4

          Thanks for the replies.

          I guess I'll wait until the new version of UltraEdit comes out and check again. Meanwhile, I'll keep using Textpad.

          Basic UserBasic User

            Re: Lose highlighting / code-folding when I touch the scroll

            Mar 08, 2005#5

            I'm sure IDM will release a hotfix or minor update really soon, their support team is fast and very helpful.
            I'll keep using Textpad.
            Is Textpad still alive ?
            I used that for a few years but I couldn't stand their slow development anymore.


              Re: Lose highlighting / code-folding when I touch the scroll

              Mar 09, 2005#6

              Yep, TextPad has a lot of problems, which is why I want to switch to UltraEdit.

              However... currently syntax highlighting for ASP WORKS in TextPad, and it apparently doesn't in UltraEdit.

              Others have their own priorities, but for me, syntax highlighting is one of the most useful aspects of a code editor.

              So I'll wait for the patch before switching

              Basic UserBasic User

                Re: Lose highlighting / code-folding when I touch the scroll

                Mar 10, 2005#7

                rrosenkoetter wrote:Others have their own priorities, but for me, syntax highlighting is one of the most useful aspects of a code editor.
                I have to agree with you :)


                  Aug 08, 2007#8

                  I am using v12.00+1 and this problem is still there. Does 13.x fix this?

                  DisableMLS seems to be a workaround, but I would prefer to EnableMLS.

                  Grand MasterGrand Master

                    Re: Lose highlighting / code-folding when I touch the scroll

                    Aug 09, 2007#9

                    Yes, it is fixed. But why not simply try it. See my last post at UltraEdit-32 v13.00 Released! for methods how to evaluate a new version.
                    Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria