
Losing PHP highlighting when scrolling to fast

Losing PHP highlighting when scrolling to fast


    Jun 09, 2005#1

    Hi you guys,

    I have UE 11.10a+1. I have some very big PHP-files like 1200 lines. when I scroll through the highlighted file using the "Page up" or "Page down" keys, the highlighting is lost after about one second of holding this key. It changes from "PHP" to "HTML". This also happens when using the scollbar "too fast" by not using the arrows.

    You can see a demo file here: http://mytemp.philsworld.de/2679/demo.txt
    Just rename it to *.php and load it in ultraedit. Press PgDown for some seconds and see what happens.

    :( Mfg Philipp

    Basic UserBasic User

      Jun 09, 2005#2

      I get the same problem with your as well as all my php files in 11.10a+2.

      I think it is the same bug that happens at the print and print preview losing its syntax coloring except the numbers (red) and the strings (gray).
      As far as I know, support is looking into this.


        Jun 19, 2005#3

        The file worked fine for me :?

        Basic UserBasic User

          Jun 19, 2005#4

          Mick, did you use the mousewheel to scroll?
          On every computer I use, the color highlighting stopped after page 1, and only the numbers (red) and strings (grey) keep their coloring.

          Basic UserBasic User

            Jun 20, 2005#5

            Hmm, I've tried TartaroZ's file but highlighting works fine, even after scrolling with pgup/dn and mouse wheel.
            In any case, I'm sure that something is wrong with UE's highlighting. I have many similar issues with syntax highlighting, like partial and wrong highlighting, slow scrolling etc.
            Two days ago I've reported (again) all those issues to IDM developers and I hope they will post some hotfix really soon.


              Jun 20, 2005#6

              I've got this exact same problem and I'm getting quite annoyed with it, as it didn't exist in past versions.

              I've tried deleting everything but PHP from my Wordfile, no go.


                Jun 23, 2005#7

                OK, after fighting with this and the issue of losing highlighting after using Javascript in variables, I have found the solution:

                Remove "<script " "<script>" and "</script>" from your tags section under the HTML section.

                I just loaded your file in my UE, and now it works 100%! I had the same problems on other files, and they all work just fine for me!

                Basic UserBasic User

                  Jun 24, 2005#8

                  Hi phaeton, that did not do the trick for me. However it made me look into my wordfile again.

                  Since I use a lot of PHP and HTML in one script, I have my wordfile setup to have PHP files in the HTML section:

                  Code: Select all

                  HTML: File Extensions = HTM HTML SHTML HTT HTX PHP INC PHP5 PHP3 PHP4
                  XML: File Extensions = MODULE
                  That way the multi language files gets coded correctly.
                  However, the syntax highlighting is lost when you scroll or print the file.

                  Now I have put the PHP file extentions back into the PHP section:

                  Code: Select all

                  HTML: File Extensions = HTM HTML SHTML HTT HTX 
                  XML: File Extensions = PHP INC PHP5 PHP3 PHP4
                  and scrolling and printing are now OK :-)
                  However, the HTML codes in a PHP file are no longer color coded :-(

                  Maybe someone has a solution for this?