
Manage Themes lists only 24 themes in themes list box

Manage Themes lists only 24 themes in themes list box

Power UserPower User

    Feb 23, 2017#1

    I have two separate instances of UltraEdit set up with different options. My "regular" UE session uses a modified Slate theme. My "special" UE session was initially set up to use a modified Sterling theme. I decided to try a different theme. I downloaded all of the other themes on the IDM resources page. I then added the themes to UE using the Manage Themes dialog. No problems so far.

    However when I went to select one of the new themes I found that the drop down window only allows 24 entries, so not all of the new themes are on the list and you can only select a theme that is on the list.

    I did a little looking and didn't find this limitation mentioned elsewhere. As far as I can tell, I will have to delete some themes in order to get the rest to show up.

    theme_choice.png (19.17KiB)


      Feb 23, 2017#2

      I can see all of my 69 themes in that menu using UE
      Untitled.png (15.82KiB)
      It's impossible to lead us astray for we don't care even to choose the way.

      Grand MasterGrand Master

        Feb 24, 2017#3

        MickRC3, you are using obviously Windows Classic desktop theme with the standard configuration of different colors for color 1 and color 2 for active and inactive title bar which could be further optimized by setting color 2 to color 1 for active and inactive title bar to avoid the color fading in all title bars.

        Ovg, you are using most likely a Windows Aero or a Windows XP style desktop theme.

        It could be without testing by myself that this makes the difference on themes list box. There is no vertical scroll bar on list box on using Windows Classic desktop theme.
        Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


          Feb 24, 2017#4

          Indeed you are right! I use Aero Theme.
          It's impossible to lead us astray for we don't care even to choose the way.

          Power UserPower User

            Feb 27, 2017#5

            Yes, I am using Windows Classic. One of the applications we have to use for work forces a switch to Classic since it won't work right with Aero (constant low or out of resources error boxes).

            Aero or Classic is just one more thing I may have to account for when I get back to working on my chart of theme locations. I use Aero on my home PC.