
Message box from macros?

Message box from macros?


    Mar 19, 2009#1


    I would like to give the user of my macro some kind of information about error cases or other status messages. Since I do not want to write those information to the active file, I was looking for some possibilities to write my messages to the output window or to create a message box, like a javascript alert. Is this possible from within a macro?

    Thanks in advance,


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Mar 19, 2009#2

      No. There is no possibility to tell a user something from within a macro with current version of UltraEdit. There is currently no macro command for showing a message box or writing to the output window - see page Edit Macro command in help of UltraEdit.

      You can only open a new file and write into this file what you want to tell the user. You can also translate your macro to a script (JavaScript). The script feature of UltraEdit has the capabilities to write to the output window or to display a message with a message box.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria