Multi selection and editing multi

Multi selection and editing multi


    Jan 02, 2015#1

    Hello I would like to edit with multiple cursors at once ... Is this possible?
    In another editor by pressing the Alr + F3 keys and have a word selected, all occurrences in the documents are selected can edit all the time in different lines.

    Can do in UltraEdit?

    He did not speak English. Text translated with Google.


    Multi selección y multi edición

    Hola quisiera poder editar con varios cursores a la vez… ¿Esto es posible?
    En otro editor al presionar las teclas Alr + F3 y tener una palabra selecciona, se seleccionan todas las ocurrencias en el documentos pudiendo editarlas todas al tiempo en diferentes líneas.

    ¿Se puede hacer en UltraEdit?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jan 02, 2015#2

      Yes, multi-caret editing is possible with UltraEdit for Windows >= version 21.00. In help of English UltraEdit there is on tab Contents in section Getting Started the link to the page Multi-Caret Editing. I'm quite sure that Spanish UltraEdit contains that help page in Spanish, too.

      There is also an English only power tip about Multi-caret editing.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Jan 02, 2015#3

        With this option I do manual selection.
        What I want is that the program find me all occurrences of a word and allow me to edit them all at once. Say you want to search CAR, the selected and the program finds and selects the word wherever you are in the text and give me the opportunity to do an edition.


        Con esa opcion debo hacer la selección manual.
        Lo que busco es que el programa me busque todas las ocurrencias de una palabra y me permita editarlas todas a la vez. Digamos que quiero buscar CAR, la selecciono y el programa busca y selecciona la palabra donde quiera que este en el texto y me de la oportunidad de hacer una edicion.

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Jan 03, 2015#4

          UltraEdit up to v22.0 has only a find option to highlight all found strings, but not to select all found strings. Only the first occurrence found is always selected.

          I cannot find any advantage in running first a find to select all occurrences of a string and next type a string to change all found and selected strings in comparison to run directly a replace all.

          What should be the advantage of 2 (3) step action to Find (+ Select) + Edit in comparison to 1 step action Replace All?

          Ctrl+R + entering search string (if not already taken from active file) + TAB + entering replace string + Alt+A is faster than what I expect you want to do. Ctrl+R opens Replace dialog in English UE and Alt+A activates button Replace All in English UE.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

          Basic UserBasic User

            Jan 07, 2015#5

            The multi-caret way is sometimes better e.g. instead of having to do this:

            Imagine that you made an error and had this in your code:

            Foo->CallOp(bar, MyFunc(Foo));

            When what you actually should have had is:

            Foo.CallOp(bar, MyFunc2(&Foo));

            In UE you:
            1. Open a replace dialog, type in search term
            2. Type in replacement term, or paste search term and then edit the replacement text
            3. Hit go

            In Sublimetext (because clearly that's what we're talking about here):

            1. Ctrl-F and start typing just enough until you see that it has selected all the entries you want to change (already less keystrokes)
            2. Alt-F3 and edit everything at once, moving the caret within the lines and changing -> to ., adding a 2 and an &

            It's very hard to explain but everyone I know who has tried it finds it much more natural and also much faster.

            I have requested this feature before. If others suggest it we might actually get it.

            Grand MasterGrand Master

              Jan 07, 2015#6

              netizensmith wrote:I have requested this feature before. If others suggest it we might actually get it.
              That's the best method to get a feature in a future version of UltraEdit. The more users request such a feature the better.

              I summarize the feature request. There are currently following methods to highlight strings in a file:
              1. Use the Quick Find feature to highlight all occurrences of string according to currently entered search string.
              2. Use command View - Highlight All Selected (awful name) to highlight all occurrences of the word at caret position (and not all occurrences of selected string) if nothing is currently highlighted. Otherwise this command disables the special highlighting.
              3. Use regular Find command with advanced find option Highlight all items found with configuration option Use persistent highlight all enabled as by default at Advanced - Configuration - Search - Advanced. Advanced find option Highlight all items found is useless if the configuration setting is not enabled.
              4. Shift+Double Click is executed on a word and Shift+Double Click highlights all words which match word under caret is enabled at Advanced - Configuration - Search - Advanced.
              Now with multiple strings highlighted found by one of the methods, a command would be required to change the highlighting into multiple selections for making use of the multi-caret editing feature on those strings.

              And this command is the feature which you currently miss and which should be requested by as many users of UltraEdit as possible to get it sooner or later in a future version of UltraEdit. A command to create selections for all strings currently highlighted.

                Jun 09, 2015#7

                There have been made enhancements in UE v22.10 regarding Highlight All Selected and multi-caret edting / multi-selections.

                Highlight All Selected with the default hotkey assignment Ctrl+. can be used since UE v22.10 also to highlight all occurrences of a selection.

                And there is the command Convert Highlighted to Selection also in menu View with default hotkey assignment Ctrl+, to convert all highlighted strings to multiple selections for modification by key.
                Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

                Basic UserBasic User

                  Jun 10, 2015#8

                  Yep, I've tried this out and it does exactly what I wanted. The UltraEdit team listen and act on user requests for sure. Great stuff.