Twonky wrote:But why doesn't assigning the <ctrl><tab> and <ctrl><shift><tab> not work?
With UE v12.20b+1 I hacked uedit32.uek to assign Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab to the commands WindowNextTabDocument and WindowPreviousTabDocument because it is not possible to assign Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab in the key mapping configuration dialog to any command. But although the hacked uedit32.uek was correct read by UE and so the Window menu showed Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab for
Next File Tab and
Previous File Tab, the keys still switched the tabs in the window order and not in the tab order.
So next I hacked the accelerators VK_NEXT and VK_PRIOR in ueres.dll with Resource Hacker and assigned them to the commands
Next File Tab and
Previous File Tab. But this hack did still not solve the problem because Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab still switched in the window order.
Next I created a macro file with 2 macros. First macro had hotkey Ctrl+Tab and contained just the command
NextDocument and second macro had Ctrl+Shift+Tab and contained just the command
PreviousDocument. I needed to hack the hotkey code in the binary macro file because in the UltraEdit macro record dialog the keys Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab could not be assigned to a macro. And although the correct hotkeys were displayed in the macro properties dialog after loading the macro file, the macros were not executed and so the tabs were still switched in window order.
Conclusion: Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab cannot be used for a different function because it looks like these two key combinations are hard coded in UltraEdit to switch the tabs in active file window order.
So you can only write a feature request email to IDM support and ask for an additional check box configuration option like
Ctrl+(Shift+)Tab switch in file tab instead of window order in a future release.