Navigation between different file tabs

Navigation between different file tabs


    Jan 06, 2006#1


    When I navigate with CTRL-TAB or CTRL-SHIFT-TAB the navigation is kind of stack based.

    I would much prefer if it just goes one tab (editor) to the right (or to the left). How can I configure this behaviour?

    Thanks a lot!


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jan 06, 2006#2

      At the Key Mapping section in the configuration dialog you can assign a hotkey for WindowNextTabDocument and for WindowPreviousTabDocument. Assign the keys you like, for example CTRL+TAB and CTRL+SHIFT+TAB.

      You can see existing key configuration also in the menu Window at item Next File Tab and Previous File Tab.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Jan 06, 2006#3

        Mofi wrote:At the Key Mapping section in the configuration dialog you can assign a hotkey for WindowNextTabDocument and for WindowPreviousTabDocument. Assign the keys you like, for example CTRL+TAB and CTRL+SHIFT+TAB.
        Strange, I assigned CTRL+TAB and CTRL+SHIFT+TAB but the behaviour is still the same. I looked, if e.g. CTRL+TAB is defined somewhere else, but couldn't find a reference
        You can see existing key configuration also in the menu Window at item Next File Tab and Previous File Tab.
        I saw ALT+DOWN ARROW. I can live with that, nice.

        Thanks a lot,


          Jan 22, 2007#4

          But why doesn't assigning the <ctrl><tab> and <ctrl><shift><tab> not work?

          I browsed through all the options and it wasn't defined elsewhere?

          <alt><arrow> works, but as it is configurable, I would rather configure it ;-)

          Grand MasterGrand Master

            Jan 24, 2007#5

            Twonky wrote:But why doesn't assigning the <ctrl><tab> and <ctrl><shift><tab> not work?
            With UE v12.20b+1 I hacked uedit32.uek to assign Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab to the commands WindowNextTabDocument and WindowPreviousTabDocument because it is not possible to assign Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab in the key mapping configuration dialog to any command. But although the hacked uedit32.uek was correct read by UE and so the Window menu showed Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab for Next File Tab and Previous File Tab, the keys still switched the tabs in the window order and not in the tab order.

            So next I hacked the accelerators VK_NEXT and VK_PRIOR in ueres.dll with Resource Hacker and assigned them to the commands Next File Tab and Previous File Tab. But this hack did still not solve the problem because Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab still switched in the window order.

            Next I created a macro file with 2 macros. First macro had hotkey Ctrl+Tab and contained just the command NextDocument and second macro had Ctrl+Shift+Tab and contained just the command PreviousDocument. I needed to hack the hotkey code in the binary macro file because in the UltraEdit macro record dialog the keys Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab could not be assigned to a macro. And although the correct hotkeys were displayed in the macro properties dialog after loading the macro file, the macros were not executed and so the tabs were still switched in window order.

            Conclusion: Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab cannot be used for a different function because it looks like these two key combinations are hard coded in UltraEdit to switch the tabs in active file window order.

            So you can only write a feature request email to IDM support and ask for an additional check box configuration option like Ctrl+(Shift+)Tab switch in file tab instead of window order in a future release.
            Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


              Jan 24, 2007#6

              Thanks Mofi!


              Grand MasterGrand Master

                Jun 13, 2007#7

                Good news: Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab can now be assigned in UltraEdit v13.10 and UEStudio v6.30 to any command or any macro.
                Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


                  Sep 03, 2007#8

                  Just in case IDM reads this board, I'd like to note that I love UltraEdit's implementation of Ctrl+Tab, and I wish all other tabbed applications behaved the same way.


                    Jul 24, 2008#9

                    Many thanks for the help. I have been using UE for 10 years or so and have been looking for this answer all that time!

                    The stack-based tab navigation doesn't seem to me to work as I would expect. Consider this situation:
                    You have 6 tabs open.
                    You click tab 1, 3, 5 in succession.
                    <ctrl><tab><tab> goes to tab 1 as expected.
                    <ctrl><tab> goes to tab 5 as expected.
                    <ctrl><tab><tab> goes to tab 6! Tab 3 has gone to the back of the queue for some reason. Surely tab 3 is the second-most-recently-used tab? To get to tab 3 you need <ctrl><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab> or else do something equally mysterious using <shift>.

                    Another feature I would like would be the ability to navigate to tabs directly, eg. <ctrl><1> goes to tab 1, <ctrl><2> goes to tab 2, etc.

                    Grand MasterGrand Master

                      Jul 24, 2008#10

                      The windows stack (not document stack!) works correct and of course works automatically by Microsoft´s MDI API. IDM has not re-written that windows stack handling. If you have the setting "Old-style window list" at Advanced - Configuration - Application Layout - Advanced not enabled, you can see in menu Window after every file activation, how the window stack is re-ordered by the MDI API. That's the reason, why I have enabled this setting to get the list in document "open" order in the Window menu.

                      If you want to activate a document directly with a hotkey, see Ctrl + 0-9 to activate TAB (file) 1 - 10 how to do this with very small scripts.
                      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


                        Jul 24, 2008#11

                        Many thanks Mofi.


                          Nov 19, 2009#12

                          Mofi wrote:Good news: Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab can now be assigned in UltraEdit v13.10 and UEStudio v6.30 to any command or any macro.
                          Maybe I'm missing something, but I cannot assign Ctrl+(Shift+)Tab in the Key Mapping dialog of UltraEdit 15.20. All other key assignments seem to work fine, e.g. Shift+Tab.


                          Grand MasterGrand Master

                            Nov 20, 2009#13

                            joelpt, you are right. As I found out now starting with UE v15.00 it is possible to press Ctrl+(Shift+)Tab, but the button Assign is then disabled and therefore it is not possible to assign this key code to a command. In UE v14.20.1.1008 (last v14.20) assigning Ctrl+(Shift+)Tab is no problem. I reported this problem by email to IDM.

                            The only workaround I can suggest is to use UE v14.20 to create the assignments and then use this uedit32.uek with UE v15.20.
                            Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


                              Dec 08, 2009#14

                              stuartn wrote:The stack-based tab navigation doesn't seem to me to work as I would expect. Consider this situation:
                              You have 6 tabs open.
                              You click tab 1, 3, 5 in succession.
                              <ctrl><tab><tab> goes to tab 1 as expected.
                              <ctrl><tab> goes to tab 5 as expected.
                              <ctrl><tab><tab> goes to tab 6! Tab 3 has gone to the back of the queue for some reason. Surely tab 3 is the second-most-recently-used tab?
                              I have this exact problem. The way I want it to work is exactly the way Alt+Tab/Alt+Shift+Tab works for app switching in Windows (or how Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab works for switching between files in Visual Studio or pretty much any other application that allows switching between documents using Ctrl+Tab).

                              Or thinking of all open files as a stack of files where
                              • Selecting a file takes it from it's place in the stack and places it at the top of the stack (a side effect of this is obviously that all files from the top to the original position of the selected file is moved down 1 position in the stack).
                              • Minimizing a file puts it at the bottom of the stack (this one is actually not that important to me, but this is the way it logically should work).
                              There should never be any other reordering of the files.
                              Ctrl+Tab should be used to get to files down the stack and Ctrl+Shift+Tab should move up in the stack, (and obviously since I'm starting off at the top, the first Ctrl+Shift+Tab should get me to the bottom position in the stack).

                              UltraEdit doesn't work like this (I often have to use Ctrl+Shift+Tab to get to files I have accessed recently) and I want to know if there is any way to change that behavior in the version I'm using (13.20a+1) or if it is possible in any later version.

                              I often have a lot of files open, but at any one time I'm usually wanting to quickly switch between 2-5 different files, which makes this a big issue for me. I'm really starting to hate UltraEdit more and more because I can't get this to work the way I want it to.

                              Grand MasterGrand Master

                                Dec 08, 2009#15

                                taborder, you should think about an upgrade to latest version of UltraEdit. With UltraEdit v15.00 IDM replaced the standard MFC GDI / MDI by GDIPlus. The result is that the active window (document) order behavior in UE v15.20.0.1022 is now exactly as you and stuartn like it.
                                stuartn wrote:You have 6 tabs open.
                                You click tab 1, 3, 5 in succession.
                                <ctrl><tab><tab> goes to tab 1 as expected.
                                <ctrl><tab> goes to tab 5 as expected.
                                <ctrl><tab><tab> goes to tab 6! Tab 3 has gone to the back of the queue for some reason. Surely tab 3 is the second-most-recently-used tab?
                                With UE v15.00 and later last <ctrl><tab><tab> makes file tab 3 active and not file tab 6 as in previous versions of UltraEdit. You can watch the different behavior in window ordering with an unchecked Old-style window list configuration setting in the Window menu. This new and better "active window" ordering is simply caused by the change to GDIPlus of Microsoft.

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