I am using UEX and my renewal has just expired. There seems to be a bug in this version where I can't access an SFTP server with a port other than 22 (perhaps its 3 or 4 digit length ports, we are using 8616). I get a libcurl error. I would happily upgrade if there is a fix in the latest version, The change-log states there are some fixes but does not directly state that this is fixed. IDM tech support somewhat unhelpfully states.
"Thank you for your response. While I don't believe we have seen any users reporting problems with FTP when connecting on a non-standard port, I would recommend updating to to see if this fixes the FTP issue."
My point is I am not going to spend the money unless its fixed. Can anyone give me more information on this issue?
"Thank you for your response. While I don't believe we have seen any users reporting problems with FTP when connecting on a non-standard port, I would recommend updating to to see if this fixes the FTP issue."
My point is I am not going to spend the money unless its fixed. Can anyone give me more information on this issue?