
Numbering Selected Portions of Files

Numbering Selected Portions of Files


    Dec 03, 2007#1

    The task at hand is to iterate through files, select <proc thru </proc> and number the <step1 items like this...<step1 label="1".

    I am able to iterate through the <step1>s successfully using the following:

    Code: Select all

    UltraEdit.ueReOn(); /* Use UE regexp syntax */
    UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.regExp = true;
    UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replaceAll = false;
    // First go to top of document
    var NumberValue = 1; /* Start value */
    while ( (UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.find("<step1")) && ! UltraEdit.activeDocument.isEof() ) { 
    //Make loop depend on presence of <step1 and break at End-of-file
       UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replace("<step1","<step1 label=\""+NumberValue+"\"");
       NumberValue++;   /* Increment the numbering */
    // reposition to top after renumbering

    However, I can't figure out how to segregate the <proc thru </proc> where the file may have 2 or more <proc>s.

    Any ideas?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Dec 04, 2007#2

      Next time please post also an example input and output text. Here is the script which hopefully works, tested on an example input text which I have had to create by myself.

      Code: Select all

      UltraEdit.ueReOn(); /* Use UE regexp syntax */
      UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.regExp = false;
      // Don't know why switching clipboard is necessary for this script !!!
      // First go to top of document
      // Run the following loop until no </proc> found anymore.
      while ( UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.find("</proc>") ) {
      /* The cursor is right to </proc>. Replace all <step1 from
         this position to end of file with a temporary string. So
         only all <step1 above still exist without modification. */
         UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replaceAll = true;
         UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replaceAll = false;
      // Move the cursor with a search upwards back to matching <proc.
      /* Renumber the labels. Because all <step1 below current </proc>
         temporarily do not exist this loop works like running only
         within current <proc and </proc> block. */
         var NumberValue = 1; /* Start value */
         while ( UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.find("<step1") ) { 
         //Make loop depend on presence of <step1
            UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replace("<step1","<step1 label=\""+NumberValue+"\"");
            NumberValue++;   /* Increment the numbering */
      /* Now move cursor to end of current </proc> block and replace all temporary
         strings below back to original value. Then continue with next block. */
         UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replaceAll = true;
      // reposition to top after renumbering
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Dec 04, 2007#3

        I don't know if this post is relevant to your situation garbile, but since learning that UE supports ECMAScript for XML (E4X), I have been looking for problems where I could utilize E4X to solve the problem.

        Since You, as Mofi also points out, do not include a before and after example, let's assume we have a xml like document like this:

        Code: Select all

            <foo>dummy text
          dummy text
        I then made this script which takes a completely different approach than Mofis script. But it will only work if your input is a valid XML file, while Mofis will work regardless as long as it finds <proc>'s and <step1>'s.

        Code: Select all

        // Misc options for global XML object:
        // http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/E4X_Tutorial:The_global_XML_object
        XML.ignoreComments = false;
        XML.ignoreProcessingInstructions = false;
        XML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
        XML.prettyPrinting = true;
        XML.prettyIndent = 2;
        // Do the rest of the processing in a function, so we can quit the script
        function renumberLabels() {
          // Retrieve whole document into XML List object.
          var xmlDoc = UltraEdit.activeDocument.selection;
          // Try and create a XML object from the document contents:
          try {
            var xmlRoot = new XML( xmlDoc );
          catch (xmlException) {
            UltraEdit.messageBox("Document is not valid XML");
            return; // quit the rest of the script
          // Get XMLlist of <proc>'s
          // http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/E4X_Tutorial:Accessing_XML_children
          var xmlProcList = xmlRoot.proc;
          // Iterate through <proc>'s
          for (i in xmlProcList) {
            // set renumber variable to 1 for each <proc>
            var stepRenumber = 1;
            // get <step1>'s in <proc> group
            var xmlStep1List = xmlProcList[i].step1;
            // Iterate over <step1>
            for (j in xmlStep1List) {
              // Assign label attribute for each <step1>
                xmlStep1List[j].@label = (stepRenumber++);
          // Write XML document back into editor while PrettyPrint formatting as well
          UltraEdit.activeDocument.write( xmlRoot.toXMLString() );
        The script will produce this output:

        Code: Select all

            <step1 label="1">
              <foo>dummy text</foo>
            <step1 label="2">
              <bar>dummy text</bar>
            <step1 label="1"/>
            <step1 label="2">
        You can run the script again and again even when label properties is already inserted. They will be renumbered if you reorganize some of them.

        I learned something about E4X in the process and I hope other sees the potential in this to manipulate XML documents in UE.


          Dec 04, 2007#4

          Thanks to you both!

          jorrasdk - You are on the mark about ECMAScript and S1000D for that matter. I wish to iterate through any number of content tagged groupings that may or may not parse (I specialize in fixing other people's mistakes).

          Mofi - Your method is perfect for the multitude of mutilated documents I am tasked to recover/reuse.

          And now to correct my mistake...sample code follows:


          Typical Standard numbering is step1 = 1., step2 = a., step3 = (1.)

          Thank you!